Lets celebrate Spring: Dance though The Colours of Life

in #ecotrain7 years ago


A special time for me

I woke up today with a single thought in my head: “It is officially Spring!” Although I celebrated its arrival participating in Russian Maslenitsa a week ago, I still wanted to make this day a special one. Recently #eco-train“Get Your Chant On Challenge”, I tried Sensual Yoga we have been exploring different rituals and discussing the importance of them in modern life as well as the fact that people lose connection to themselves.I have been re-exploring chanting thanks to @eco-alex and suggested by a wonderful @clara-anderssen. I meditate and do different practices regularly but this morning I wanted to do more.

I always felt Spring as The Beginning. Being born in Russia and spending almost all of my life there meant that when Spring comes the white Snow Kingdom will be changed with the World of Colours. I loved watching the snow melting, transforming the hard substance in the liquid water, nutrising soil. Within a short time, this very soil will become carpets of flowers as if Nature will be celebrating the New Beginning.

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(c)"New Beginning” by Sylvia Chan Image Source

This spring feels as it is a new beginning for ME. I feel as snow is melting inside me, transforming into the water and getting away my old visions. On the other hand, my world is becoming full of flowers - new ideas - which I intentionally create and help them grow so they can be later transformed into something I have no idea yet.

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Getting rid of old to free path to a new

I believe I just tried to have white color in my Life. I am tired to have Winter and finally, I felt the urge to change it. I know I have my limitations, the borders I have created for myself and never really wondered to go out. I thought I did but in reality, I got stacked within them. As if I had the full pallet of colors in my hands but chose only one to paint.

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(c) “Hide and Seek” by Malika Favre Image Source

How things and people can come together when you least expect it. And being odd instead of accepting it and shine my own light I was trying to mask myself with the color others were wearing or expected of me. That leads me to my journey of self-discovery, again to the snow, this time the real one, wondering across beautiful mountains and concurring myself instead of them.On the other hand, I think I was always “a bit odd” as @misslasvegas said in her

I believe all in my life have a meaning, the one sometimes I can’t really understand in the moment, but after some time I will look back and see that was the path leading me to a something.

So today I woke up with the feeling that I want to celebrate - celebrate my readiness, my awareness and my will to go beyond what I know.

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(c)"Transcendence’ by @kelogsloopsImage Source


Planting Flowers for the Soul

It is time for us to awaken from our slumber, to be free from thoughts like "I should" and all the "I have to"
You Are The One We Need... You Are Where Change Begins! @sunscape

So today I got up and took my brushes with me ready to color my Life in different colors - the ones I have never used, the ones I have been afraid to try, the ones others thought is not good for me. I made a promise that from now on I need to listen to my Soul, to the subtle urges I have, the ones barely heard sometimes but the ONLY one that matter.

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(c) “With Her Mind in Space” by @kelogsloopsImage Source


Dancing with the Life flow

And I danced. I lightened the candles. I put the music I love to play and start dancing. While moving I started to feel that with each move I feel better, I feel alive, I feel as if I am waking up from a long sleep to something exited and inspiring. It was my small ritual, the one of great importance for me here and now. The one what started the new chapter for my Life where I am ready to Dance Through The Colors Of Life.

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(c)"Dance Through The Color Of Life" by Karina Llergoby Image Source

With love,

Sasha Genji


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@ecotrain #ecotrain

I support @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain. I want to believe that more and more people will start to think about things that help to make the world a better place. (с)@ecotrain. I also hope that more and more writers on Steemit will support the movement started by @eco-alex and @icmultitudes . As I truly believe that we are one and helping others means you are helping yourself.

Click here to read more post from the passengers on the EcoTrain

If you like me LOVE self-discovery just READ some of the other POSTS:

Heal Your Life With The 'Get Your Chant On' & 'Meditation Challenge' - My Experiences After One Month by @eco-alex

Image and words (c)@eco-alex
Chanting is not really something that most people in the western world do, or understand. I think many people think it is some kind of religious thing that requires you to believe in God or be religious in some way. Whilst it is true that many people who chant are religious, and indeed many religions have chanting at the heart of their rituals, it is by no means restricted to any religious beliefs. If you struggle with life, or feel that you are unable to cope with the demands and stress of the daily grind then please read on.

When doubts lead you forward. My 33 days OFF-line journey in the remote villages in Russia. Part 2

What holds me back I'm standing on the slope of a mountain. There is is a steep descent In front of me. I see how the other guys have already passed it and waving me from the distance. I feel very uncomfortable. I know I have to do it. There is no way around but I am standing here fool of fears and doubts. “Can I do it?” “Will I be fine?” “What if…” and so on. I am frozen to death with my own fears and I can’t move.'


Happy spring! I didnt realise! Also very many
Blessings on your 2018 blossoming into a beautiful new you! <3

I have a lot of people helping me to blossom and supporting my moves%)) I believe re-discovery of chanting helped a lot - will write soon on that%)) Happy Spring to you and many Blessings as well!

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I really love to read your posts, you have such a colourful way of writing and I always feel right there with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Spring awakening x

Beautiful article! It makes me want to dance! 😊💃🏼

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Image SourceSo let's dance, dear @stillwatersart. May this Dance celebrate Life, Joy, and Freedom of every woman in the World%)) it is International Women's Day approaching at the end!!