Like you said, love is not a choice. It is one of the energy that drives the humanity. You must love something or someone at one point in your life.
I always told myself I have suffered the greatest loss in life early on in life, nothing can hurt me more than this, because frankly, you can get a new lover, you can make a new child, but you cannot bring back your mom.
I lost my sister two years ago and it's still by far the most painful experience for me. If anything can hurt that much I don't hope to experience it.
Another question worth asking:
Is it possible to love (romantically) two people or more at once. Some say it's not a possibility. Would like to hear your thoughts on that.
Sure, it´s possible to love more than one person at once, but in order for such polyamorous relationships to really work, meaning that all people in such a relationship are truly happy, there is an amount of maturity required which most people don´t even display in a "normal" relationship. For relationships to work, the people in it must come from a place of abundance and fulfillment, but usually people come from a place of lack and neediness, wanting the other person(s) to magically fulfill them and make them complete.
well said.