wow that's awesome about your protectedness and ability to protect! what a blessing, isn't it? to be connected to plant life in this way and get to steward it as a human instead of only thinking of profit or what we can short-term get...
This place will be our sons one day and I hope to leave him something magical.
i absolutely love this. we don't have kids, but i think the most beautiful thing anyone can do for their kids or future gens is to create magical places full of food!!! the stuff dreams are made of! great job!! i'll look forward to seeing how your food forest unfolds. it really is fun work of a lifetime! your gardens look beautiful from what i've seen and you're a great researcher, so i'm sure your aesthetic and "eye" for the food forest will be something for a magazine..
Would love a share on facebook! what is your page there? I'll find ya :) (feel free to DM on discord if you don't want to share on steemit??)
chaotic and eclectic is more like it. I am a whirlwind of randomness.
The page it public. It's tied to my poor neglected blog. Steemit has taken over my blogging life :)
hahah hear ya on that! lol to your whirlwind of randomness. that's how i am too :D i think the plants prefer it ;)