A Diet of Self Love

in #ecotrain7 years ago


The self love diet isn’t a fad, it’s a pathway to vibrant health and well being.

The term was recently introduced to me and I really resonated with it. So much so that I felt like sharing it with the Steemit community. Framing self care practices as a diet really helped me wrap my mind/body/spirit around it. Lately I’ve been on a strict diet of self love.

I’ve tried out a lot of diets from the SAD (Standard American Diet), to vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, paleo to locavore. None have changed my life as much as the diet of self love has.


This diet is a prescription to take more care and be more loving to yourself. It’s of course created for and by YOU.

My gramma’s advice: “hug yourself because you’re special and you’re worth it!”

For me it’s been about centered “enoughness”. As a male in Western culture, I have been influenced by the patriarchal trappings of productivity, action and results. Feelings of not being enough, not doing enough and not having enough have been with me since childhood. Although it can stimulate me into action, it’s really a destructive thought pattern. The thoughts that I’m not enough bring up questions of self worth, of rejection and scarcity and lack.

I am not created to live in such a way. A diet of self love is honoring the unique and beautiful being that I am.

A huge part of my journey this winter has been around taking more time to rest. I push myself so hard to work work work. The tasks on the homestead are never ending, and I can fall into the trap of feeling like I’m not doing enough.

I work with zest and passion, but even so it’s not a balanced approach. This ultimately leads to overwhelm, stress and exhaustion. By witnessing and honoring what has been accomplished and listening to the prodding of seasonal shifts, I have been on a diet of self love that inspires down time, rest, rejuvenation and space.


I have also been practicing an affirmation to solidify my enoughness. It has helped a lot in letting enoughness land in my mind/body/spirit.

I (your name) am safe to be enough, just the way I am.

I (your name) am free to be enough, just the way I am.

My friends and family accept me (your name) as enough, just the way I am.

Another aspect of my diet of self love is returning to mantra and meditation practice. This is something I used to be much more involved with, but as the homestead began to encompass my entire life, it has fallen to the wayside. Reviving a daily practice is a major step towards loving and honoring myself and the opportunity I have in this human form.

We’ve written about our process of kick starting the practice for 40 days and would also encourage anyone interested to check out @ecoalex’s post offering a 7 day meditation challenge.

So far I’m integrating and digesting the shifts in perspective this diet is offering. I’ve been appreciating the rest and the extra space is truly healing. The real challenge will be when spring hits and the TO DO list gets really long. Hopefully enoughness will have penetrated deeply into my core.

We all have ways we can become more whole (the root of healing) and I’m inspired by the opportunity that winter affords in reflection. Have you been listening to the inner voice?

I’d love to hear YOUR perspective on this.

What does your diet of self love look like?

How to you love yourself?

I would sincerely love to see this conversation spread as it has tremendous potential for re-creating a culture where we are all more loving to ourselves, and ultimately healthier, happier and stronger people.

Thanks for reading! This post is written by a passenger on the #ecotrain. Choo choo! Let’s meditate!


The ultimate diet or cure, so true, i am sold.

Ya. It's hard to go wrong if you're loving yourself...

I love it! I'm doing it too. It's the only way towards healing. Your way of describing patriarchic effects of not being, having or accomplishing enough are making something explicit for me that I already knew. So thanks. The way I like to self care is hugging myself, like your grandmother advised. This makes me feel very safe with myself.

Glad to hear it! Ya, we must begin with loving ourselves if ANY healing can happen. Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey. Once you're safe with yourself you're so much stronger and able to be a light in the world.

And here is another post I did on self love. I guess we're on the same track, resteemed your one as I also think this should spread, resteem mine?: https://steemit.com/blog/@clara-andriessen/how-to-love-yourself

Self-love.. ohh.. my favourite subject... so happy to see more people dedicated to living a life of self-care, authenticity, truth and beauty. It humbles me and makes my heart sing with joy.

Self-love practices for me are definitely meditation, yoga, contemplation, listening to my favourite music, cooking healthy food, going in nature, hanging out with inspiring people, doing my morning pages, avoiding toxic people, making free and empowered choices... :)

so nice to connect with you, I saw you on the ecotrain slack channel :)

Yes to it all!! Glad you resonate. It's certainly a life journey towards a more loving self, one that will hopefully lead to a more loving Whole, if you know what I mean;).

Glad we're connected too. Based on your list of self care we have a lot of common. :)

I definitely know what you mean! happy to meet someone with many self-loving things in common :) these practices mean a lot to me and so I'm very pleased to hear someone else is actively practising and gaining benefits from them!

Wonderful to see this moving around. Thank you! I'm going to call mine Menu for Self Love bcz ~ well, long story. Suffice to say, it includes Nature EVERY DAY NO MATTER WHAT, rest, simple, nourishing foods, plenty of quiet, beauty, attitude adjustments as they pop up to interfere, and definitely high quality 'body' care in appreciation for all these bio-suits do for us, usually without thanks! I really enjoyed everyone's comments. Let's BE LOVE.

Really couldn’t have said I better. We definitely need to take care of these temples, or bio-suits (love the term btw). They do sooooooo much. Thanks for adding value to the conversation.

I love myself when I am treating myself with a decaffe in my favorite restaurant in the world! :)
I love myself when I close the Internet and I am alone with myself
I love myself when I make myself a nice cup of tea and sit down by the woodburner
I love myself when I close this comment and the computer and listen to some jazz music! :)

Thank you for the article! Are you a man? You were not a women? Or family at least? :))

We are a couple, homesteading and writing posts as a team. This post was written by me ini, a male.

Thanks for sharing the ways you love yourself, it’s great to see how we all love ourselves s little differently. Hmm, jazz sound nice righ aboUt now... thanks for joining in.

I have been giving myself constant love affirmations. I have to watch the way that I speak to myself. My reality will mirror exactly what I believe to be true, so I am working on integrating the parts of myself that do not believe they are worthy of love.

Yes, and accepting you where you're at. I'm working at incorporating the 16 yr old rebel in me these very days... loving the whole and working towards balance.

you know, i'm still working on this. i like to think that i'm a person whose natural state of existence, of being, is "happy" - i do an awful job at dealing with any emotions that come up & are conflicting with that state in any way. sadness, anger, angst, boredom, etc. i hate it, i hate dealing with those feelings, and so i have been in the habit of pushing them down and away.

now i'm teaching myself to recognize them, and allow them to exist while also remembering that they do not define who i am. i tell you what - it's hard. it's really hard. every day is a new day and every day i get better at it!

ahhh such a beautiful share... yes i can recognize this in myself too and have done a lot of work around it in fact. acknowledging ALL of ourselves is a huge part of the journey, to me. Perhaps it is some conditioning that makes us want to be happy, or even just our brain which feels great when it is happy lol ... but it is a whole human experience when we feel it all and know it all... and even... grow to love and accept it all. not necessarily like it, but still love ourselves and accept it...

again, beautiful share, i really appreciate your openness and honesty here @twinislandflames!!! yes, it gets easier with practice! XO

I'm working on the affirmations and brain retraining part. For me one of the simplest acts of self love is to devise "treats" for myself and to make them extra special. Like having candlelit baths and adding epsom salts, or even walking the dog twice as much as usual because there's snow on the ground and snow is my favourite weather. Just little things. I also find guided meditations are a real treat for me, I definitely class those as part of my self love practice.

Great post, it's a wonderful idea. I might join you in doing a 40 day practice!

Wonderful! I totally hear you on baths, one of my favorite treats. I love how you frame that. I wish we had more snow here, as it’s dear to me as well.

The work you're doing to retrain your brain is valuable and worthwhile, keep it up. Let us know if you go ahead with the mantra practice, curious of the potential for healing. Feel free to keep us updated and comment on the update posts we’ll be making.

Self-love is just as important as eating the right food. For me, it is a walk along the beach every day with meditation after the walk. It helps to centre me.

Food and walking, also 2 key components for me. Thanks for sharing.

Oh, it's such a big topic for me right now. I am really searching for ways to do more of this. Living the life I love is a big piece for me. I do morning gratitude list and meditation. That is very nourishing. Like many women, especially mamas, i have a pretty strong tendency to give more than I have. A big piece for me right now is learning to take care of myself and give myself time and space that is just for me. Telling myself I am enough would be an incredibly good idea.

Morning gratitude is a fantastic practice. Glad you're benefiting from it. The affirmations really have worked on me and I find it crucial to honor my deeper needs. I hope the affirmations remind you that you're enough just the way you are.

Morning gratitude has absolutely blessed me. I am getting there on that enoughness. This community is certainly a tremendous help.

So happy to hear it!

wow. a man and flowers. strong and beautiful... great posting photo.. i like it

Glad you appreciate it, thanks.

A great share. Thanks

Glad you enjoyed.

Not perfect in your eyes, but ENOUGH to be perfect in mine.
Thank you for your post. Cheers!

Well said. Thanks for the words.

Great diet! It will transform raw soil into flowers

Self love to me is tuning into my body and listening to it, it is being outside everyday, it is moving, it is singing. It is allowing myself to have moments of stillness, allowing myself to cry. It is eating food that nourishes my body. It is taking a deep breathe and telling myself that I am enough.
Thank you for writing this post @mountainjewel, it is so needed and a huge step in the right direction and something I needed t remind myself to do xxx

Really happy to hear that you resonated. We are all here for each on this healing journey and reminders can be so useful. The simple and raw things you mentioned are nutrient dense additions to the diet.


For me, self-love is:

-Reminding myself that it is not my responsibility to save the world (personal struggle that needs some introspection)
-Preparing nutrient dense vegan meals full of LOVE
-Playing my instruments because they make me happy
-Seeing my friends because I love them
-Not taking my work or my career too seriously
-Stretching and exercising because it feels good
-Dancing because it is joyful
-Cultivating community so that my practices are reinforced and more joyful
-Reflecting on my most recent vision board
-Hiking and enjoying our forests, rivers, and lakes as much as possible
-Always dreaming higher!

Thank you! <3

Love what you offered. Most of the items are super relevant to me too! Just bought a mandolin diversity music making. And YES to the rest. Thanks for joining the conversation and reminding me of a few way my diet of self love could be diversified.

Yay mandolin! I play violin, so I too just got a mandolin! I really, really love how familiar it is, and that it teaches me things that violin can't despite its similarity. I got one of the bowlback ones that they don't even make anymore. I love the resonancy - it reminds me of a fretted oud. I love playing Middle Eastern music, so its a perfect fit for me.

What style of music do you play? I also play New England folk songs and Kirtan songs.

I'm sure the sound in the bow back is much fuller than than flat backed. I'm currently just making stuff up, but not sure how to categorize it.... Don't know NE folk but appreciate most folk music over been e spoked to. Kirtan and ME music also is intriguing. Any tips on getting music to learn, as in where do I start? I've been playing only a week but already am getting more comfortable with it.

If you don't read music, the best thing to do is to find songs you like, and then try to learn to play them by ear. If this is your first instrument, this will be challenging.

A better option would be to google for tutorials. There are lots of videos that will walk you through how to play a song note by note. They also usually integrate general advice about how to best handle the instrument.

If there are other musicians in your life, play with them as much as you can! They will help you in tons of ways, even if you are just fumbling along. Of course, you could also find a teacher, if that interests you. A teacher would make sure that you aren't developing any hard to undo bad habits.

You can also look up mandolin tabs. Tabs is a VERY simple notation system that does not require you to learn to read music. (sorry if you already know about tabs, can't tell what you do and don't know)

Last option would be to find sheet music for songs that you like and learn to play it.

If you don't know music theory already, you will eventually want to develop some knowledge. There is great debate on how soon that should happen. Some people never learn any theory, but I find it quite important. Its part of knowing how to speak the language of music. But some people just play so intuitively that they don't need it.

But most of all, play with joy for whatever sound you are making, and share music with others. I had a violin teacher once that would always remind me that we were always playing for Krishna. That is what it is for :D Listening to lots of music brings lots of inspiration too, though of course you know that :D

Ask me any questions as they come up! I monitor my replies, so that is a great way to get my attention, at least right now!

Oh one other thing! Instead of blasting into songs, you can also look for exercises and drills. Or you could start memorizing chords. So many orientations... Some of this may vary by the type of music you want to play too.

Wow such good info. I grew up with music and have a grasp on theory even if rusty. I would like to touch up for
Sure though. I looked up tabs and chords that fit into
Certain keys. Practicing certain scales to train my Fingers and generally having fun with it. So far so good.

I might hit you up for artist/folks songs as I progress. Thanks
For all the help.

Great post! I got a cold this week and have been feeling overworked... came onto steemit and read this post. Then I said, what am I doing on steemit!? I signed off and got some rest :) Thanks for reminding me that downtime and self love is needed!

Btw I finally saw your episode on Homestead Rescue last night.. wow how amazing and wonderful! I was glad to see your home got completed right in the nick of time ;) Also I feel like I know you both a little better - I can tell you are great people with your hearts in the right place. Extra hippie points for using canola oil in the chainsaw!! I love that! Nice going standing up for your beliefs even if it seems funny or pointless to someone else :)

Ya, what were you doing on steemit? Apparently being reminded to rest.. lol happy you took some downtime. Soooooo crucial to give the body time and space to rest. Happy to share.

So glad you saw and enjoyed the show, and thanks for your kind words. Our hearts are fully into the land and values we're living out.

Marty actually was intrigued by lubing with "canoly" oil. He even took a swill for a shot that didn't make the cut, then made a joke about shitting through a screen ... ROFL

although maybe didn't care that much, I had all 10 saws on site filled over sawdust boxes and used canola For lube.

P.s. Petroleum B&C oil is outlawed in the EU

LOL!! Awesome! I have been getting into homestead rescue with @idyllwild this week and while there is a lot of hollywood editing, I am really appreciative of the family values and genuine care that the Raneys have for their work. Quite interesting to see the hollywood angle though! Some homesteads are presented as absolute disasters.. I think yours came off as a lot of caring and positive intentions ! Nice going, helping to give a good impression of homesteading!