I'll have to go re-watch that episode, don't recall it. Recently finished going back through DS9, and I'm watching TNG now :-)
I think it's very important to stick to actual theories, versus baseless claims like so many want to go for. There have definitely been a LOT of those flying around about CV, but they're always floating around about whatever's happening in the world it seems. Most people, when they realize that the government/corporations have been lying to them their whole lives, jump right past critically thinking and questioning things, and go straight to just disbelieving everything the government says, and believing everyone who speaks against government. No increase in thinking for self, logic, etc. Just switching who the "authorities" are.
That's why I always include the sources for things in my articles, and generally stick to laying out the facts for people to see, rather than imposing the patterns I see.
That's really the big issue, which most don't account for in their lives: human brains are pattern-recognition machines over anything else. We always find patterns, even when they don't exist.
Yay, my writing got someone's interest!!! Lol! Thank you 😀
Wow, Yes, humans ARE pattern recognition machines aren't they? I thought that was just me...
Critical thinking has not been taught in many schools it seems, or they left important parts of it out. I guess I was lucky with quite a good history teacher who taught us this through history of politics in high school. Good teachers are hero's.
Yes, do watch that episode, if you don't recal it, that means you 're good for another round of Voyager! Lucky you, I'm almost through mine again. I'm not real good with the abreviations. DS9 is deep space nine and what is TNG? Have you written anything lately that you'd like me to read an comment on?