Matriarchy on first thought would look like a stereotypical male’s worst nightmare!
But really would a matriarchy be a world run by feminists?
Matriarchy doesn’t mean a world run by dominant woman who like to rule (that would by definition make them patriarchal), but a society that nurtures and cares for the people in it.
When I hear matriarchal, I hear mother and everyone who is a mother knows, a love for a child has no limits. It gets tested to the limits, but it doesn’t change that love and if we can apply that to society and nature, then that could only make a world a better place.
The way I envision a matriarchal society is one that would want to look after the environment, nature and all the people who share that purpose. Most people could find a role in this society, that wouldn't not be run with an iron rule (patriarchal), but acceptance that we can all contribute to earth in some manner.
The precept of nurture could go a long way in a matriarchal society and a society bathed in that, would benefit the world, by perhaps slowing down the environmental damage already done, looking at the things that are important to not only our survival, but the survival of the planet.
After all, caring for nature and animals brings out the best in many people and it is this world that sustains us all. If there were no trees, we would not exist, as we simply would not be able to breathe.
This care and nurturing of the earth is not necessarily just a matriarchal or female trait, but one that can be construed as for everyone, when we look at the point of view of the society being one, whose sole purpose is to look after our planet.
Yes, the only way I see a matriarchal society working is if it harnesses the energy and feelings of motherhood, that can be extended from our own children to the world at large, even if it just to the physical world.
The thing is though we are all different and one glove will never fit us all.
The best we can achieve I think in this day and age is to create pockets of likeminded people who have same dreams and goals and people should seek the group/area that is aligned with their own life purpose.
I think a society where people are true to themselves and can be who they want to be would be the ideal scenario. There would be far fewer misunderstandings, no hidden agendas, just what you see it what you get.
Again the key is acceptance.
But all of these concepts are just fantasy really.
Not a lot that one person can do about society, except escape it the best they can!
@hopehuggs <3
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This is such a lovely post Hope! I don't know yet how I feel about a matriarchal society- have yet to write mine on the topic, but I really liked your concept a lot. I think anything nurture with love and compassion would bloom into something beautiful so if you do the same to a society, it would be an amazing place to be in.
A bit of empathy and compassion would go a long way in today's world.
I love this relation you made between motherhood and the world. Let's care for eachother... and the earth. Because we are part of it!
I suppose I should have written parenthood, or thinking of the earth as your child and what you would do to look after it. I suppose you could extend that thought to thinking and treating neighbours, friends and strangers as family.
That just blew my mind. To look at the earth both as my parent and my child. Wow! So insightful. It is true that it was there before I was born and will be after I am gone.
thanks for a great post.. You have said what i am now realising from this QOTW
IT makes sense now.. i assumed before i read any of your amazing answers that it means the same thing but with different gender roles.. But now i see its REALLY the opposite. That means NO dominating control, no repression, and no one person dictating the rules for everyone.
It is a REAL opposite in all the meanings of the word.
It would certainly be a world with different values and the view of what the important things in life actually are.
Here is the main point with which I agree:
But unfortunately people perceive differently. Some people think that matriarchy is the full power of women. But in my opinion it is almost impossible. Everyone should have a role (man and woman).
I like your concept of matriarchy to help our planet. Many people do not pay attention to changing the environment. In my opinion this is an important topic.
I think people tend to think of dominant women being matriarchs, people like Maggie Thatcher, when really it would be a society where love and nurture would be the key components and really if we looked after the world and nature, it would look after us too.
The problem is the label of matriarchy. We need to create a whole new name for your concept, so that it isn't tied to preconceptions. Maybe Nurturarchy?
Huggiarchy lol
That works!
Thank you, a thought provoking post! The world and society we live in would be a much better place if we could be more accepting of our differences. Also if all were happy to let the sun shine on others too. Unfortunately so many just don't. You just have to look at how some people treat others... I don't even want to start on how we treat nature and our precious animals. Like you say "Not a lot that one person can do about society, except escape it the best they can!"
Useful post, see you on the top - we win together
See you at the top :)
interesting to know more about it from you nicely explained :)
Thank you
I enjoyed this. Very empowering, yet gentle.
It's absolutely amazing to me that we all essentially came to the same conclusion. I think we are all on to something really beautiful.