OOOps! Im leaving!.....

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Its been a hurl of a year, and one to make me let go of just about everything from a-z! Now as the year closes, it seems I have to surrender and trust even more, because now ive suddenly been forced to leaving my home for an unknown amount of time. Oh you didn't think i meant Steem did you!? That will only happen when the Internet goes down!

For the least 10 years I have been VERY lucky to get a new Voluntary Employment visa in India without any troubles, and by now I am ( I should say was) an expert at the entire lengthy, beaurocratic nightmare that it is out here! I could do in three hours what used to take about 40 hours and hey presto, visa sorted!

This year things have changed! To be fair to the Indian Visa Services they have basically 'MODERNISED' their entire system of paperwork, long journeys, and meetings and approvals. The whole thing was a joke, and must have cost the Indian Government a small fortune.. We USED to submit 4 hard copies of a 40 page application!

SO this year I have hit a glitch, fallen down an invisible hole you might say.. or stuck in an infinite loop with an invisible person who keeps asking for the same thing!

"Please Provide the FCRA Number" They keep asking in a message that cannot be answered. Since we dont have one I have done by best to explain this by uploading letters explaining it. There is no one to call or even message, we can just upload documents and get approved or denied. The shame is they dont provide sample documents or much advice or help, and many people just get screwed.

This modernisation thing REALLY needs to be done properly. We cant totally remove the human element from such important things.. It looks to me that the FRO have gone from one extreme to the other now! Well, it is what it is, and one day I may have to make a website dedicated to providing the right advice and information for clueless people who have their lives turned upside down purely due to bureaucracy!

ANyways, It looks like I am on a forced holiday to Thailand now.. I am doing my best to keep it positive, but I do feel like i just had my grounding pulled from underneath me.. if i am LUCKY i will get this visa whilst im away and can easily return.. OTHERWISE.. well watch this space!

Wish me luck, send good vibes.. comment something nice .. i could sure use some support today as I pack up and bid farewell (hopefully temporarily) to Earthship Karuna and India!.. so if im a bit quiet right now, this is why!


Sending hugs and Good Vibes! May you end up in the most wonderful and unexpected places! Go Blossom!

Hey, we may be able to meet up in Thailand! let me know on Discord.

Good luck and safe travels. Just think of all the new material you will have for your blog. It might suck but you can turn what is into positive things.

haha,, RIGHT!! said like a true Steemian ;-)

Enjoy your holiday in Thailand and would love to see some pictures of it.
Stay positive and I'm sure everything will be fine.
I believe that all things happen for a reason even the not so great things which we don't like but at the end it turned out for the better.Wish you luck and all the best @eco-alex.

Sorry, I'm really tired right now and I don't even know if I'm making any sense, but I just want to wish you all the best.

thank you ! im SURE ill be posting some photos! and may even visit an eco community to see what they are up to... i believe as you do, and have learned to trust.. things do work out better but we have to follow the trail!!

u make perfect sense! <3

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings Alex

thank you! xx

I am positive that this will all work out for you!I hope that your SHORT visit to Thailand brings you many wonderful experiences.

OMG I'm so sorry you're going through that. I went through similar tumult when I lived in Indonesia and a war broke out. No modernization, just tighter visa review due to I guess wanting to make sure none of us expats were spies for the East Timorese. Anyway, in my case it did get sorted and hopefully it will for you as well while you're on 'holiday' in Thailand.

I am sending you much love and happy thoughts. I am sure everything will work out sooner or later, just stay positive and try to take the most of your situation and enjoy it as much as you can even though it may seem like an impossible task. Who knows what good will come out of this... 💚

off you go on a adventure, there is definitely something waiting for you in Thailand, besides the lovely food and beaches, massages oh and awesome caves. I am thinking of you and know that this has happened so that some more people get to share in your light xxx lucky Thailand xxx

hope all goes smoothly and well for you and that you have a good stay in Thailand in the interim! <3

Ah... Steemit, only when the internet will go down!

What a mess. I was going to suggest Thailand the other day. I'll have to see who I know in Thailand for this forced vacation... I know of a beautiful little permaculture farm in Pai, I wish I could remember the name. If I can find it I'll send it to you, but I see there are loads of people from the steemeverse in Thailand!

Good luck and make that website when you figure it out.