Lemongrass - What You May Not Know About This Asian Kitchen Essential

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

It grows like a weed in Asia and it best tackled with a razor-sharp machete. Lemongrass.

That quintessential Thai flavour and a fragrance that is stamped into my Being after 16 years here in Thailand. I went into the garden to harvest some from my monsoon-rain-battered plant for making iced tea this morning. My roughly 4 foot tall, extremely vigorous plant is not so happy in the rainy season and yielded her medicine meekly.

Pure Thai NaturalsTomorrow lemongrass will feature in my @ecotrain medicinal-cooking "white-metal" offering. Later this afternoon I will get through the best part of 500mls of it as I make natural insect repellent for my business. Does it work against our hardcore monsoon mosquitoes? Oh yes!! Especially when I combine it with neem extract, basil and a few other amazing essential oils. You can read about the human lemongrass mosquito studies here: http://granthaalayah.com/Articles/Vol4Iss12/06_IJRG16_C12_195.pdf

It's not unusual for me to dash from my workspace to the bank or supermarket, and have people in the queue appreciatively sniff at me. "Hom!" (smell good!) is the stock-standard comment and inevitably there is the waft of lemongrass on my person somewhere.

But what a lot of people don't know is that lemongrass has been well-studied for its anti-depressant qualities. It has an adaptogenic effect on the central nervous system and can be a simple, fragrant and lovely way to treat low-level chronic depression (during-after illness or injury, relationship transitions & periods of rapid lifestyle change) or as a support to other treatments.

more effective than Big Pharma's best offerings. And with no side effects except better sleep. I like that! :)You can read a couple of interesting studies here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/278411223_Physiological_and_Psychological_Effects_of_Lemongrass_and_Sweet_Almond_Massage_Oil and here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874111004788 Several studies have found lemongrass to be equal to or

How might you use it? Lemongrass tea. Lemongrass massage or After-shower body oil. Lots of great Thai food. :) And simply put a few drops in an oil infuser and allow it to permeate your living-breathing space.

This morning I found myself frustrated and down for a few pretty good reasons. How did I "treat" and support that?

  • I sat and simply felt it and why it's there, over a great organic coffee
  • I treated myself to a magnesium foot soak while I caught up on some steemit
  • I walked in my rain-soaked garden and simply BREATHED
  • I cut some fresh lemongrass for making a jug of iced lemongrass tea for later afternoon
  • I put the bottle of Pure Essentials Lemongrass Body Oil in the bathroom for an all-over slather after my shower
  • And then I downloaded a sweet movie to watch with my lovely daughter early evening, after I tackle & blitz some of the causes of feeling down

Natural medicine can (and often is) that gentle and that lovely.

Give thanks.
Find Balance.
Breathe & Smile.

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I didn't know it was an adaptogen. I've never got it to grow here (over summer) but I'm going to try it in a wicking bed come spring. Lemongrass iced tea sounds divine!

It's really nice as a tea blended with other herbs too - I'm adding a lemongrass tea post to my steemit post-planner. :) So many herbs have adaptogenic qualities but fail to make it into the core list of "adaptogens". I like to read the core research and classify from there.

I find it amazing how many there are!!! Ha, the steemit post list. I just wrote five ready for week - it's freezing here and wet and not much else to do, and I cant be bothered cooking!

we used it a lot. My mom usually make friend chicken with this one. and the smell is very nice, tasty also. : )

Chicken with lemongrass is a super combination..! And the foods our moms cooked always stay extra delicious in our memories.

I didn't know lemongrass was so useful. I have used it in tea but I didn't realize it was an adaptogen, that is amazing! Wonderful post!

Thank you :) and thank you for the follow. So much to learn and share... :)

Apart from that lemongrass tastes good in literally EVERYTHING it is even healthy? That is even better to know

Damn I wish it would grow here so much as that it does by you guys

Recipe of the day: Gin and Tonic with a stick of lemongrass

OOOOhhh!! A G&T girl! We will get on famously when you visit! :)

I love your self-care routine, simple and beautiful. And, all the things I didn't know about lemongrass! I am beginning to realise that lemongrass is a severely underused thing in my life. I may have put it in Thai-cooking before, I think. Not to self: acquire lemongrass.

Lemongrass is such an amazing gift to oneself! Grateful for the resteem lurve & your support! following you to enjoy and watch & help share your off-grid yoga life. :)