The Economy Just Went Into Overdrive Or Did It - Episode 1624a

in #economy7 years ago

Durable goods disappoints, the people were not purchasing the big ticket items. Spending on homes dropped, existing, new home purchases declined at a time in the summer when they are suppose to be doing well. The bubble is popping, traffic is drying up. Trump wins trade war with the EU, the reshaping of the central banks has begun. The new GDP numbers are out and they are not what they seem, there was a big revision to make it look like the economy is doing well.


Thanks again. Dave. Thanks for all your hard work and keeping us informed.

We figured the Obama depression was over last year and invested for the future. We are already feeling a recession, struggling to make payments, and wonder where the expansion went?

I’ll be checking my mailbox for my bailout check , because if we the people don’t get a SERIOUS BAILOUT then expect things to go south very fast .