The UK housing bubble is bursting. The younger generation is starting to realize that college doesn't pay off. Sears is imploding at a very fast pace. Durable goods decline.
Are the central banks nationalizing the economy? The system is falling apart and looking back at history it always turns out the same way, the economy crashing.
thank you Dave
It may be time for me to go to plan B,C,D or E.
Say hello to Americas new glorious Communist leader. When should we start re organizing the farms?
It's time to learn how to farm, immediately. We are entering into a Grand Solar Minimum that has not been seen since the last 380-400 year solar cycle which we call the Little Ice Age.
Dave I like ya but u have gone full fearmonger only titles and aren't giving a fair account of things. Instead of fearmonger clickbait just educate us.
True! All rush to BTC and store your wealth on a new ''save heaven'' They can take your gold but they cannot bitcoin!
False , they can screw up bitcoin just as easy as taking ur gold. I like bitcoin but let's stop pretending the Gov can't mess with it cause it can!
How can? They cannot. Period.
TPTB can make it difficult, they can not stop Cryptos. Cryptos are being embraced in Asia as the new Reserve Currency in prep for the USD falling from that status. In the worst crap holes on this Earth, the dictators can not stop the use of cryptos.
London is carrying out social cleansing. Doctors, nurses, teachers cannot afford to live in London. Social housing (government supprted housing) is being bulldozed and elite high rises are replacing people's homes. London is an exception and does not represent the rest of the UK. Property has doubled since 2008 in price in many areas of the UK. We have a dodgy Tory government that want to privatise all publicly owned assets, including social housing. Thus rents go up and people are forced to priotise rent over food for their family. My heart goes out to friends of mine who have very young children and cannot afford food. Demand for food banks is through the roof, and this is for people in work. Capitalism is not working for the people. People need to watch and read content outside of MSM. People are brainwashed by mainstream media and people are sitting back and not protesting or forcing change. I have faith that people will wake up
Thanks Dave, for the message, went to the grocery store today, and the price of food is really going up.
good video thx
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Thanks! Regarding "The younger generation is starting to realize that college doesn't pay off" - it is just the start. The higher numbers (50 - 70%) are just a matter of time. Also expect the high school drop out rate to rise.
Hi Dave, love your reporting style. Blessings.