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RE: Greece's 6-Day Work Week: A Bold Move & Its Potential Economic Impact

in #economy8 months ago

While it may increase total output, I doubt it will increase productivity (output per hour worked). The Greek government needs more income. They can increase the tax rate (bad idea), improve tax collection (apparently too difficult culturally), or increase the total number of taxed transactions ... the measure makes sense, at least temporarily, but the devil, as always, lies in the implementation details...


Good point! Rolling out these policies have always been messy if previous attempts by other governments are any measure. If anything, this 6-day work week is hopefully just a start of more changes that the Greek economy sorely needs. People are not robots that you can crank harder just to get them to work more.

I was born and raised in communist Romania, where the work week was 6 day for everyone. Saturdays were normal working days. My parents told me that people weren't actually working more. If anything, they were working less, and whatever work was being done, was spread over 6 days instead of 5.

Good point. As a Malaysian, we have no restrictions by government about 6-day work week too. In fact the Chinese 996 culture has been creeping into fringes of Malaysian work culture.
While some jobs may see direct benefits to the employer such as front office roles, because their job is to sit there and collect customer requests, 6-day work week isn't universally beneficial especially of the jobs require critical thinking or creativity.