

It was a thing of the past. If a World War happens once again, not only will it erase the debts, but also will erase the entire humanity!

Perhaps not the entire humanity. Just most of us will die. However hundreds of thousands may survive in underground facilities spread all over the world. Wouldn't you agree @marvyinnovation?


Yes @crypto.piotr, u r right. Thanks to the advancement of S&T, which made this possible.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @oldtimer

I presume that you mean war war 1 and 2? Do you think both wars wouldn't happened if debt wouldn't pile up and push economies into dark-hole?


I'm sure that was one of the cases why II ww. German mark was having so big inflation in 1920s and 1930s, you can not even imagine. Second reason why war happened was because of German (Nazi) greed. They knew that in centuries before, Europe has robbed the world, specially Africa and Asia. All the diamonds, gold, silver,..from the world was kept in Europe. And Nazis wanted it for them self. Because they wanted to have power.