What is Going On In the World? Let's Catch Up!

in #economy6 years ago

UK housing home values have now declined for five consecutive months in a row. The real estate bubbles around the world are popping (UK, Australia, Canada and now the U.S. especially when we do not view cities of the Case-Schiller 20 city survey)...The entire central bank economic recovery illusion is now coming to an end, the economy will continue to deteriorate and eventually collapse. The economy is falling apart and and Kim Dot Com has a warning to everyone, get out of the dollar and put your money into crypto currency and gold. The Emerging markets are breaking down and the Fed might not raise rates anytime soon. Peter Strzok has been fired (what a douche).. What is his wife's position at the SEC? Omarosa says she has recordings of Trump saying the N word but this story is starting to fall apart (I believe that she is working with T to show that the MSM does not fact check. She has an NDA with the WH. Why does MSM feel so confident in breaking NDA's? Omarosa is a good actor.)). This entire show that we are watching might be a plan to trap the deep state and the MSM. A 2011 report from FB shows that they believe they can change public opinion during elections, So maybe it really wasn’t the Russians that alters elections. Most of the illegal children that come to America do not have parents that came with them so they were never separated from their parents (challenge me on this if you disagree pls)! Senior Taliban leader says the peace talks are going very well. The explosive device in Yemen was American made. Q drops more breadcrumbs and the pieces to the puzzle are coming together. The deep state is panic mode and they are being setup right now. Enjoy the show, the more you know.

The retail collapse continues and it is projected that more stores will be going out of business. This is due to the fact that people just don’t have the funds to purchase goods. Russia says that it cannot depend on the US dollar for international trade it is becoming unreliable. Trump is pushing the agenda of taking over the Fed and is now projecting what he is about to do, the central bankers, deep state and MSM are worried about this. Trump begins the push for making the IG report to become declassified. FBI responds to what they were doing in Little Rock. DNC files suit against Wikileaks and does it via Twitter. Government’s own report shows that poppy fields grew during the US invasion of Afghanistan. China takes over French stake in Iran’s gas venture. NATO fires missile near Russia, a plane was stolen and the incident is very strange. Q drops more breadcrumbs lets us know that big booms are headed our way and the IG report is ready to be released. Q continues by exposing the swamp.

Core inflation soars at its fastest pace since 2008, inflation is on its way. The Swiss National Bank purchases more FANG stocks to push the stock market up. Trump is now destroying the old economy and getting it ready for the new economy. The only way to do this is to destroy the central bank, if the central bank is destroyed this will only be a temporary fix and the same thing will happen years down the line. Sessions says the US will not partner with groups that are against the US. People are tired of fake news and the people are telling BBC to switch off. The movement is growing more people want closed borders not open borders. Nikki Haley goes to Venezuela and pushes neocon agenda. Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire, Israel denies. Russian and Syrian forces mount a major offensive in Idlib. Russian military creates 8 outposts in the Golan Heights. Q drops many new breadcrumbs and the boards are hacked,was this a setup by Q or was this a real hack. The document that was provided said that the encryption being used is easy to crack, if true then they will be able to hack at anytime.

Some major changes on how inflation is calculated on autos, plus GM does not report it’s deliveries anymore so all the numbers that come in are estimates. Home buyers are now waiting to see if they buy a home, we saw this happen prior to the 2008 recession. Wholesale slumps in June. Rothschild just announced the plan to take down the economy and they already decided where to place the blame. Giuliani says that Mueller’s team is done for. Mattis says the plan in Afghanistan is going smoothly and the talks with the Taliban are working. NK comes out with a shocking revelation that the MSM and some inside officials are trying to derail the peace between the US and NK. Trump wants to talk to Iran but certain individuals within the administration are trying to stop the talks. Syrian army drops leaflets over Idlib, most likely they are preparing for a major offensive. The refugees are flowing back into Syria. The Deep state is trying to censor Q, they are talking down the sites and doing whatever they possibly can to stop the truth movement, not just with Q but with other sites.

The economy is being brought to the edge. The entire plan is to make it seem as though the President allowed the economy to get back on track it is doing better than ever. The corporate media and deep state will not know how to handle this information because they were hoping that the tariffs would destroy the economy. This entire plan is push the Fed to do what they do best, bring down the economy, they will fight back and they will try to resist but in the end they will have no choice but to raise interest rates. McCain was involved in the Steele Dossier and the FBI is beginning to investigate. McCain has been missing since Dec 2017. Congress gets Bruce Ohr docs and shows how all these individuals colluded to push the FISA warrant and the Steele dossier. US senate intelligence committee wants Julian Assange to testify. Rand Paul delivers letter to Putin. North Korea is dismantling there missile and nuclear sites satellite images show. Q’s site has gone down but the last post explains what is happening, the MSM is pushing propaganda because they are being funded by a bill that was passed. The deep state has no choice they will unleash something big.

***We are heading into a period of time that will be reminiscent of NASA in the 1960's. Great national pride associated with the space race around the world. Less focus on liberal arts education and more on forward looking technology. Also, expect many more suicides, public figures running from justice, earthquakes, new land formations, land being covered with water around the planet.

'We Are One'


Peter Strzok's Wife is Promoted to SEC (Securities And Exchange) Director Hours After FBI Found Hilary's E-Mails on Wieners Laptop....