Crapitalism (Chrony Capitalism) is certainly the issue in this Nation. I would not try to compare the United States to any other country, even if that country has some of the same characteristics as the American ecosystem. There is no other political system like the United States, and there are no founding documents like our Founding Documents; and that makes this very unique and very exceptional.
I am not too concerned about what is going on in other European countries, as these countries are not based upon the same ontology as that of the American politic and this makes comparisons very misleading at best.
The American ontology is the first of any nation in our human history. Other nations (we won't get into micro tribe nations and other specifics in this response) have seen humanity separated into Classes, Castes systems, Monarchies, Patriarchies, Roman Senates and Emperors, but not here in the United States.
The United States was founded on some very simple yet very controversial, but self-evident that all men (humans for the easily offended) are created equal (there is your equality) and are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, among these (Rights) are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, and these Rights and the station of the individual is the highest that there can be in one Land.
The American Ontology is so foreign to other countries (like the word play?) that we are either greatly loved and admired, greatly despised (not unduly, but that's for another time), or seen with some well deserved suspicion; what outsiders do want is our individual Liberty, our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the United States, and our Bill of Rigths that was adopted four years later on December 15, 1791.
What has made us the most unique Nation on the Planet is found in the very last sentenece of the preceding paragraph, and this is why our three branches of Government are, have been, and will continue to be out of control until We the People take back our Birth Right (and Rights) and demand that the Bill of Rights be honored, and enforced upon all Congress both Federal and State and then we will see some change.
The American Ontology is that you and I live in a Nation of Sovereigns and that means no one has greater claim over Life and Property than the Sovereigns themselves; since there are no other Nations like America, comparison is a bit foolish, yeah?
Peace and Love.