The printing press won't stop until "the market" decides that the debt burden is too high. When that time comes (months or years) all wealth in the stocks/bonds/housing market will be destroyed.
After a short deflationary period, we will see hyperinflation like in Venezuela, but it will all happen within a few weeks. Not enough time to get your wealth in Gold/Silver/BTC.
That will be called the great global reset and the elites will use the chaos to push for one world currency and another 50 years of money printing (new debt cycle).
States will default, banks will go bankrupt and believe me it will be nearly as ugly as a war in your country would be.
People will lose their pensions, their homes... it will be one big mess worldwide, but especially in developed countries, because they are not used to living a low life standard.
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Late thank you for this excellent comment @ew-and-patterns
Yours, Piotr