economy, economics

in #economy8 years ago

The essence of the national economy is misrepresented that she was an established system of national and social reproduction of the state, which is interconnected between the industry, the types and forms of social labor arising from the long evolutionary historical development of a particular country. Influence on peculiarities of the national economy have a historical, cultural tradition, geographical position of the state, its role in the international division of labor, etc.
V. V. Leont'ev defines the national economy as a system capable of self-regulation consisting of various activities. Structural analysis of national economy, according to its founder R. Bar, allows for a more complete and comprehensive analysis of economic processes. It comes from the fact that the structure is a way to organize the various units in the economy and forming between them an organic interaction.
There are two kinds of structure of the national economy:

  1. economic structure determining the functioning of economic units of the national economy. The study of the nature of the relationship between them is of interest, as they define the essence of the national economy;
  2. non-economic structures that determine the functioning of non-economic units – culture, education, etc. Their analysis is of interest only to the extent that these units and the relationships among them influence the functioning of the national economy. F. Peru believes that the structure of the national economy different proportions and relations between its constituent parts. Ratio is value of analyzed units of the national economy in relation to others. Relationship is relatively stable communication between units of the national economy, capable of change and preservation.

R. Tinbergen considers it important that a structural analysis of the economy, as it allows you to determine its nature and to forecast the future status and development, with proceeds from the following features of the structural analysis of the national economy:

  1. it allows you to more fully explain the proceeding in the national economy;
  2. it gives the opportunity on the basis of data obtained as a result of the structural analysis, to develop more efficient and effective national economic policy, which will be more flexible, adaptable and relevant.
    Structure of the national economy
    Structure of the national economy is a set of historically developed steady, capable to reproduction of functional interrelations between different units of the national economy. There are the following types of structure of national economy: 1) households, implying the consideration of the structure of the national economy as the relationships between households. The selection of this type of structures is due to the fact that households are a powerful economic entity, producing a significant portion of the national wealth, influencing the nature of other relationships; 2) the social structure emanating from the division of national economy in certain sectors, which are among themselves in an organic relationship. The division is made according to various criteria, such as groups, enterprises, types of employment. Usually distinguish the public and private sectors of the economy; 3) industry structure, involving the allocation of economic sectors and definition of the nature and essence of the relationship between them. Sector in the national economy is a unit of the national economy, in the process of social production performing similar functional tasks. This type of structuring of the national economy is of great importance as it allows to realize high-quality forecasting economic development; 4) the territorial structure, involving the analysis of the geographical distribution of productive forces in the national economy – the division of the national economy in various economic areas; 5) infrastructure of the national economy, coming from the definition of the type and nature of the interaction spheres of the economy; 6) structure of foreign trade, involving the analysis of the nature of correlations between different commodity groups, imports and exports.
    GDP of Russia, bln USD
    GDP of Russia, bln USD
    Source - CIA World Factbook
    Indicators of development of the national economy
    The structure of a particular national economy is constantly changing and transformered. Great this has an impact on scientific and technological progress, which changes the nature of production, contributes to the emergence of new industries and sectors of the economy. The changing nature of social production, the emergence of new industries, has an impact on the character of interrelations in the national economy. Therefore, the structure of the national economy is constantly changing, forcing to carry out continuous structural monitoring to compare the actual structure with the future of its development.
    The structure of a particular national economy is influenced by many factors – geographical, cultural, social, psychological, etc. It is specific for each particular country and can not be artificially introduced. The state can be exercised only indirect influence on it.