Bitcoin, Banks & The Final Disintermediation: This time they cant cheat death..

in #economy8 years ago (edited)

The similarities between the 2008 Global financial crisis, the birth of Bitcoin and the (2000) horror film ‘Final Destination’ are so stark; it borderlines on outright eerie:


But the real question is---do they need to? The hegelian dialectic makes for a wonderful method to use for refirection of chaotic energy to build what would otherwise gain significant resistance:

2008: Stock Market Collapse and theft of over 1 trillion thughout this and subsequent "bailouts"
2008: Bitcoin launched by an unknown person (suspected to be a group of people). Keeps significant premined amount.
2008: Bitcoin becomes known and used by a forum community of libertarians and anarchists
2011: bitcoin users covered receiving microchips with smiles on their faces...that help them spend bitcoin.
2013: winklevoss twins (who were considered to be behind fb--a known CIA asset) announce they hold 1% of bitcoins supply
Many more. These are just a few.

I believe the elite used money stolen to build and purchase properties across the world and when they choose to destroy the old currency paradigm (which they controls so it is possible to do so) the pinata Busts open (world currency status lost) and all the moneu flies to places where they have already set up their own trade agreements to ensure managed growth. In the end they stole our money, likely used it to control the growth of the new system (likely paying off key players along the way. Then they have inside knowledge and control of the new system. Collapse it when you are ready and have enough control in the new system that you can begin rounding up potential opposition under the cover of fighting "cyber terrorism" or some other bs...

Make laws outlawing encryption and privacy for common citizens, while advocating completely traceable transactionstransactions and punishing those who "perpetrate terrorist acts through the use of 'anonoymous' cryptocurrency"

We can use blocktech for good or ill...just like any other tool...what happens next is our choice.