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RE: Weaving Worthless Central Bank Notes Into Art To Survive

in #economy7 years ago

Venezuela is a country that has much to offer, its people are the friendliest of Latin America always willing to help the visitor and leave the name of our country at the top, is our law. In recent years we have gone through a myriad of problems in the economic field, which have affected our economy and our pockets.

When they touch on the issue of increasing 50% the salaries of public employees, and how much emotion has caused in many of our naïve compatriots. Taking into account that it is a compulsive increase and it is like for people to cheer up and take away the impetus to the recall, among other things. This increase becomes salt and water before 1 week, that will generate more inflation still, until a financial restoration of the country and a total sanitation of the economy of the country is made, nothing will be fixed and nothing here will improve.

First, it should lead to a one-to-one exchange rate with the dollar, sinterize and dollarize the economy, reactivate the expropriated companies and privatize them again, stop producing inorganic money, cease the subsidies to the Caribbean nations and countries ideologically related to the regime, From here, more than 40% of the national budget escapes in such aid and corruption, eliminate ministries and political patronage. Does it sound impossible? Until that is not done Venezuela will not recover! As Jesus of Nazareth said: heaven and earth will pass but my words will not fail. While not the productive apparatus of goods and services to counterbalance the aggregate volume of circulating in final demand what we will have, with this increase in wages, is a bestial inflation with stagnation of the productive apparatus. the perfect Storm! Oh, as the ignorant vulgar says, "Real that fucks" in the street.

Inorganic money without real purchasing power the same immediate sensation of fullness felt by those who eat a bag of popcorn and another of cotton candy and put a soda. He feels the domed stomach and thinks he was fed. What he did was fill up and not nourish himself. By the way, he will get sick with everything that is so elementary that I'm sorry to explain it to people with greater and better knowledge than me. If I say it, it is because I am very concerned about these increases in these, that not only change the president, but change the Castro model can correct this crisis with the same men and with the same ideas that produced it. "DESPIERTA VENEZUELA"

We find ourselves stuck in an economic crisis that does not give breathing to an immediate solution, this accompanied by the political problems that generate a slowness to possible solutions. The Opposition and the Officialism have been in charge of general chaos in the Venezuelan population, with their inefficiency in not solving the problems that daily drown the common citizen, they have focused on a fight of children where they do not know who is better or worse. the opposition in the parliamentary elections of December 2015, emerged as winners, thanks to the support that the people gave in giving that vote of confidence to this political group, which for years is promising a change, but instead of working for and for the people, they focused on getting revenge on the ruling party, with absurd decisions and thus lost in a direction that according to them, was to bring a change to the country. Added to that the ruling party using its power took advantage and against attack, removing the opposition from the national assembly.

The Venezuelan is already at the limit with this situation, we do not see an immediate exit to this enormous economic problem, day after day, many of the young people choose to leave the country, looking for a better life style for their families, that youth with dreams and goals. That Venezuela is losing because of the lack of manliness of a government that no longer cares about its country and wants to consume what little we have left.

Unfortunately we are under pressure that does not leave us alone, and every day we wonder if this will improve. We see that the road to change is uphill and we have a long way to go and fight.

Faith and hope is what keeps the Venezuelan standing, as always struggling to move our families forward.

In addition to economic problems, lack of food and medicine. We struggle with the constant lack of our public services such as water, which different sectors of Venezuela last up to 3 months without water, or electricity.
This generates great concern in our communities, affecting in the worst way children who are not to blame for all this disaster.

The problem of sewage that affects the poorest neighborhoods of Venezuela, which bring with them a series of diseases that protect the ordinary citizen from leaving their homes until the problem is solved, which usually takes weeks.

I feel so helpless in this situation, to see how every day we lie in the face with false promises, which only aim to win votes. They forget that people who put them in power, who sacrifice so that their families can have a plate of food on their table.

For many of us, there is still that passion for wanting a change, not only expressing it with words but with echos, taking to the streets to fight for our country, working every day more for the welfare of the entire community. @doitvoluntarily