Breaking the Employer-Employee Wage Noose.

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

Now more than ever it has become imperative that we, as economic entities look to new ways to empower ourselves.
In the UK, as most other countries real wages are being throttled while inflation rises. Employees are being forced to work longer and harder for essentially less. The 'employer - employee' wage system simply puts people into boxes cutting them off from their ability to develop their own economic worth.
For some time now the only jobs that are being created are low-pay, unskilled and unrewarding. With the development of technology, those jobs too are at risk.
DPoS blockchains allow us to take back our economic identity, be rewarded for our thought and be not just a 'cog in the wheel'.
We are more than just the sum of our parts. We have the freedom and we have the power!