If freedom is our goal (and I totally agree!) then fighting the Corporate Overlords might not be the best way to reach it. From the moment you start organizing Anarchists against the system, then they are not Anarchists anymore, but instead they become a group of people working together with all the difficulties that come with 'working together', and they basically become the system they are fighting. I share you vision of not being farmed like a sheep ^^, but I think its better to try to change the existing system instead of fighting it ...
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Yes, the revolution will be in getting folks to ignore 'authority'.
As long as they worship their abusers this is what we get.
More gardens, more folks just doing their thing, and pretty soon rule by force will be just a bad dream.
The insurrectionaries have their place, though.
They force conversations that otherwise wouldn't happen.
Yes, revolution by not participating in 'the game', growing your own, etc ..., I agree. Taking what you need from the shelves and not paying for it, I don't agree as much.
Maybe that is because of the truama based mind control put on you as a child?
If you contribute your share to the work, you have one share of the work coming.
Don't let the scarcity mindset keep you in its cage, eh?
Crapitalusts dump products overboard because it keeps the prices up.
The waste in neopotism alone would cut back 2 hours of work a week, maybe more.
Here, have a class in economics that is not crap based.