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RE: Why "Automation Destroys Jobs" is a Diseased View of Humanity

in #economics9 years ago

People work more and more hours and have less time to themselves today than 20 years ago, while our global production has skyrocketed.

I agree. Since in a free market, this scenario is impossible, we can safely conclude that the reason this scenario exists is that we do not currently have a free market. Instead, we have a market based on fraudulent currencies which extract value from society and siphon it to those who control the currency. As the economy grows and production increases, they have siphoned more and more wealth off, growing fat on the spoils while we work harder and harder for less and less. This is an evil which I do not have the words to describe, and I will not continue to be part of that system forever. That's why I believe cryptocurrency is so important: it gives people a viable exit strategy from that system.