Do you really think that the creators don't want me to promote their videos if it is on Steemit instead of Facebook? There is the argument that I am making money off of someone else's work. Honestly though, I make less than a dollar when I share a video (a lot of the time $0). I give the creator credit too. I am just using Steemit for its initial purpose, to be a better social media. I know that there are a lot of people trying to turn this website into a blog-only place, but that is just an opinion.
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The issue is your not properly sourcing people for their content. Also were you given permission to use the video. Each video tells the license that's it posted under. Because many people do not post their videos under fair use policies.
The fact your earning from this person content which isn't yours. Plus your post is just a few lines of text and a video people are going to find an issue with that. It makes your post 99% plagiarized.
I give credit to the creator, and you can get the URL. What else do I need for this to be properly sited? Some MLA format siting??
It's not the citation, it's the earning money from other people's work. There are many people who fall on both sides of this issue.
Join the debate about this here:
You said:
Now you're saying:
Well first of all, you sound a little indecisive. Am I sourcing them correctly or not? If you think I'm not, then what do you suggest? I don't want to upset anyone on here. I like Steemit.
Second, I share other people's work and earn a little bit of extra pocket change. I do not take credit for it. It is like promoting their video. Most people appreciate that (and I don't know why anyone wouldn't). Also, websites make money off of sharing videos all the time. Many websites will include a video from YouTube on their page, give credit to the creator, and profit from their page. Also, YouTubers promote each other all of the time. One example is that they will do a review over an entire YouTube video. I've seen it many times, and they keep all profits. So what I am getting at is: it is okay to do this on other websites, but not Steemit?
Two different people said those things.@charlie.wilson
When people cross promote on YouTube, it is discussed beforehand. It is legal to say something like "I have received permission from the original author to repost this content." Every time I ask someone if I may share their stuff on SteemIt they kindly reply affirmatively. As you said, most people want their stuff to be shared these days. But if it is copyrighted you still have to ask. This is not an issue of SteemIt rules, this is an issue of legality in most countries. We want to do everything we can to prevent being shut down, because once we go mainstream plutocrats will do anything they can to shut us up or co-opt us.
The following comes from YouTube support:
This was in regards to someone's content being used on TV. That TV station did exactly what you did. Do you have a high-priced lawyer, as well? If not, I suggest you take 3 minutes to add value to the post. For example, "I think this video is really important because ___." This comes closer to Fair Use. A review would be even better.
What they are doing is also most likely illegal. The trick is that many of them are owned by larger media companies that won't easily be shut down. SteemIt is full of counter-culture anti-authority types, so we already have a target on us.
I agree with you. Imagine two pathways steemit could take:
I don't think that steemit should be "a closed system." I think they should be "a maximally open system."
I understand if they need to fear being a "Napster" that is shut down for copyright infringement. However, I don't believe this is the case right now. YouTube fully understands that they are the source of a huge ecosystem, and have found ways to profit from being that source that don't require cooperation from that ecosystem.
That business model is probably optimal, and those that don't work with it are relegated to the graveyard of incorrect thinking.
This is just my .02. I don't claim with certainty that I'm right about all I've just written, but this is my initial reaction. Some sentences I've just written have much higher confidence values than others, because this is not going to be carefully edited.
Steemit gives you a lot of freedom, and the users on here have a lot of respect for the creators of the content they share. No one is really ripping anyone on here (that I have seen). That makes this site really cool. You should take that comment, expand it a little more, and you have a good post on a concerning topic.
I think I am fine because I don't take the credit for other people's work. They still get the credit. If anyone disagrees, they can just down-vote or flag my post. I won't hold it against them. I don't make much money on these anyways, so it doesn't matter too much to me. I just want to share these great videos with fellow steemers instead of my Facebook friends that don't give a crap. I really hate Facebook to be honest (but I love Steemit!).
I don't disagree enough to flag these kinds of posts. I'd rather we, as a community talk it out, first. To me a flag is for something that is clearly wrong. This is still grey for me.