So I told my son I will read you a story and grabbed a basic economics book and started to read the first line. It goes like this:
“Economics is the study of how individuals, institutions, and society choose to deal with the condition of scarcity.”
Son: what is scarcity?
Me: things that are not a lot of, like money
Son: ohh and toys are also scarcity dad.
So Cool

Very Amazing
Great post
he he he....
Really interesting.
I am started my journey today...
Dear @abajnath thanks for sharing such an interesting post.. so help me & please share some information about @steemit
this is cool
your child is talent..
god bless him.
I have started my journey today..
So, I don't know every thing..
Interesting post dear @abajnath @upvoted
talent full
Hmmm yeah, what a practical explanation of economics. It’s just the decision made on needs and wants
That's right my friend. That we live must be based on need rather than on an inexhaustible desire.
yeap,,so fentastic practical explanation by @abajnath about economy to his son
really very excellent explantation of you @abajnath.because you telling this lesson very perfectly of your son.its very needs for every child. very good.. my dear friend @abajnath
Most welcome
ahah your son is smart ;)
but money are not scarcity :P This is something individual
Great comment
that is why boss @abajnath gave him this example
cool dear @abajnath ...
father and son conversation is very interesting.
kids nowadays are talented
ohh and toys are also scarcity dad
Your son is really genius, even I cant ask such a question to my Dad at this age if he is teaching me economics.
He has got brains. Wish you luck for studying him economics.
I didn't knew anything at the age of 5
Hahaha, same is the case here
i was dim until age 7 I guess
Your son is curious, and curiosity leads to intelligence. Bet he will grow to be an intelligent lad
Already seems like an intelligent one
Yeah, really brilliant boy🎓🎓🎓
having knowledge about economics in such early age is extraordinary...
Agreed. He's a brilliant boy with a great future
unique ability
Your son is very curious. That’s what we adults love about our children.
obviously,people who are more curious
are best learners
Lol your son is quick learner.
I was just like that when I was a child. I had to know everything.
lol ,and i was just opposite
i had to know nothing
amazing ability
that kid has got bright future unlike me.. lol 😂😂
Oh he's damn right about that😄
Bright kid
Played that perfectly
genius kid
Bright kid
yeaps,,so fentastic lesson practicing son by dad,,,really so great way to make a communative in any topic between son and dad,,,its so fentastic to read your boy the first topic that of what is economy ,,,what is the scarsity ,,,
thanks for sharing dear @abajnath sir ,,,,i dint your son can be a stable economist in future
hmm ,,,its so great to read economy @abajnath son ,,,,i agreed
he knew economics better than you!😃😃
Really he is a talented one. god bless him dear @abajnath
a very good post @abajnath, I think, your child is very curious about what you mean, so he wants to know more clearly about what is scarcity. If you often tell your child about economics, it's very good, because when he grows up he will be able to do better about the economy, and he can succeed as an entrepreneur. Thanks for sharing... :)
Congratulations so great
there will be a time when we have to deal with the shortage of bitcoin
since supply of bitcoin is limited
its price can take a huge leap in future
Already seems like an intelligent one
That is so correct fam. Smart kid
kids nowadys are too smart
and @abajnath has also got one smart kid
kids nowadays learn at such early ages
I was just like that when I was a child. I had to know everything
Did you know everything ?
your son cought it..
wishing his bright future..
god bless him..
that's interesting one dear @abajnath @upvote has done
yeah,really very best curiousty of your son.he is very talented..only 5 years old he is want to know of economice,obviously he is very powerfull boy and he being very big person in the world.i wish that..very well dear friend. @abajnath
nice explain, he going to be so genius.
everybody is saying the same
really a great thingking about economics..
like it..👌👌👌👌
waiting a bright future for him..
go ahead dear @abajnath
genius kid
one day he will lead the economic market..
wishing his bright future..
pary for his sound health dear @abajnath
kids nowadys are too smart
and @abajnath has also got one smart kid
hmmm your son is quick learner and also intelligent.
stay blessed and have a fun
thanks for sharing
my younger brother is such like him, he always question me what is it, why, how.....
Your son ask you creative question... " what is scarcity.. ?"
His example about scarcity is so interesting but effective answer.. ha ha ha ha.. Lol..Great experience with your son.. @abajnath
Wonderful economics explanation. I appreciate the valuable conversation between you and your lovely son.
☺☺👍👍brilliant boy 💓💓💓
Very Intresting Post sir really Like Your Post ...I am your big fan
i think he is more curious to know something.
great explanation
he tries to answer what he realize about economics,
reading book its very good,by the way your all post super
I love your post Upvote & Resteem Done
you should also say something about the post
excellent thinking..
I wish his bright future..
go ahead.... I like it..👌👌👌👌dear @abajnath
we all like it
excellent example from playful boy..
pray for his good health...
like it dear @abajnath
teaching modern kids is never easy
they will ask unlimited question in no time
That makes them better
kids nowadays are talented
It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.
Waitting for your next post . Btw thanks for the post @abajnath
Very Intresting Post sir really Like Your Post ...I am your big fan
your son is so fentastic to know about economy ,,,i seem your son learn it will properly ,,,and in future be a usefull economist,,dear @abajnath sir
thus so good to listen your son about economy starting...thus happy starting of economy of your son,,,really defination is so appropriate
the son like a genius one..
Hahahaha. Money sure is a scarcity
that is why boss @abajnath gave him this example
Its the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.
The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.
I believe that to teach them effectively you must touch their hearts long before you begin to teach their minds
you should also say something about the post
He's gonna be a wise economist, I have lived in ten cities, seen 15 wars and don't still know a dime about economics.
Such an innocent one but answered perfectly when he will grow up he will be successful he is an intelligent child
It's fun to enjoy. You write with an incredible ability. Thanks for the great learning @abajnath!
Wow! What a wonderful way to educate.
Thanks @abajnath 😎