According to the Foundation for Economic Education, Americans now see that Recycling is a waste of effort.. really?

in #economiceducation5 years ago

When the designers of sanitation ala recycling came up with the plan, it was dearly needed, as you will recall, people living near rumpke had black goo oozing up thru their lawns.. remember... BUT JUST LIKE TOILET DESIGNS THE SANITATION-HEALTH IDIOTS FAILED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK.. putting solid waste into a liquid waste system reveals a serious deficiency in IQ... but let's stay on recycling...

We have COHENS [metal recycler] on the road to the meat packing house where we get the cats' raw dietary components [for our cat rescue clinic], and we simply drop off the cans and metal 'stuff' and it pays for the gas to come and go...

A lot of the paper we use in our composting garden schemes [nut bush orchard starting soon]...

And contrary to the article we don't waste a lot of water in the process either as i'd match our water use per person any day of the week with any other water user... in fact we use the water that's discarded in our reverse osmosis system to rid our lives of toxic fluoride in our food and drink, for lots of other uses and our monthly water bill runs about 1500gal per month for 2 humans [not counting 26 cats in the rescue]. Match that

There are methods that process ALL THE PLASTICS [no trashing 50% of the collection because 16% was not 1s or 2s like the fools running the current recycling... and the all-plastics system produces fine oil too.. ] ...where's the data we should have access to on David Stein [CEO] and his WMI prototypes.. see here long ago IndyMichael had that oil-well story back in Feb 2013 at

And guaranteed, without the furor over recycling, landfill horror stories and other pressures, rumpke would NOT have reformed... and rumpke's now produce gas for power generation... another possibility...

ttyl, hope the idea of a bad design doesn't stifle the progress possible... see ya