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RE: Build This 12 x 16 Greenhouse for $100. DIY Tutorial. Lots of Pictures and FUN!!!

in #eco-train7 years ago

Love it !!! If it tends to be a bit windy just grow some wind breaks. I planted a red oak in the front yard when i was 18 and now its about 60 ft tall and straight to 30 ft with a 5 ft base that was 42 yrs ago. 8 }

Well I now have red oak trying to grow everywhere, one about 6 in in size I cut at the base and about 10 suckers grew on it so i thought hmmm lets see where this goes so i kept cutting them back and now have a 6ft red oak ball bush on the side of the house.. So wind breaks if needed can be out of anything even a red oak tree sucker bush.. 8 }


Ha! Imagine that! Yes one nice thing about this small high tunnel is that it is portable. It can be moved about the farm quite easily with two people a dolly

Looks like he built it solid enough to do that... Great post 8 }

Thanks again for reading!