Hi everyone I would just like to say that this opportunity we have been given with these Dapps is phenomenal we can really make a change to our lives using these platforms. I have been a full supporter of Ecency and the hive eco system as a whole from the moment I first came across them online. I could see the potential that these Dapps have to really make a change in people's lives no matter their background or where they're from and that is awesome.
Imagine a little family struggling for food and just basically struggling to live and all they have to do rather than actually beg for money is to write a story about what led them to be in the position they're in and by doing that people can help. I am not saying make shit up and ask for money I am saying to write a story about how you ended up in the circumstances you're in for example, your government changed a law meaning you are not eligible for state help or you lost your job due to an illness etc
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My advice as a fairly new user to this awesome platform is to be yourself don't try and force people to like your posts and give you payments simply be yourself and tell your story with the intention of letting people know your story do not tell them with the sole intention of getting funds because this will show you need to open up and be genuine and when people see that you're genuinely trying and not begging they will help you, also learn how to write properly 👌 watch what other people do and take notes DO NOT COPY these Dapps have a system in place that detects plagiarism and the community as a whole we do not like that so don't do it. There's nothing wrong with getting inspiration and learning a style of writing from others but that's totally different to plagiarism, plagiarism is stealing so don't do it.
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That's my bit of advice to you if you choose to take it on board that's up to you but whether you do or don't I wish you all the best you and your families and I hope you're all safe and well. Thank you for taking the time to read my post if you like what you read please follow me and keep an eye out for future posts thank you.
Daniel Hall signing out
Streetwize social media marketing & branding specialists
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