If U ID yourself as a cat, unfollow, stop reading this post and continue onto your dysfunctanal abyss.

in #ecency9 months ago (edited)


Hello Fellow Neptunians,

Per the subject line the King is absolututley fed up with the political correctness of this timeline.

Also if you are of a gender bending persuasion, STOP READING NOW!

If you are a YOU, ME, HIS, HER, HIM whatever STOP READING NOW!

The King identifies as a soverign individual, of sound mental charater with the power of free will and of the tribe of, to quote a movie in this timeline, "Young Frankenstien" "ABNORMAL"

To quote a favorite song of the King.

SARA by Fleetwood Mac.

"Wait a minute baby, stay with me awhile,

Said you would give me the light,

But you never told me about the fire

Drowining in the sea of love,

where everyone would love to drown.

Yes, planet earth in this current timeline, YOU WHERE INTENDED TO DROWN IN LOVE!!!!!!!

Our power, our soveringnty is drawn upon the power of love.

We are who we were born to be..........

No gender bending message will ever change the sex that you were born with.

Understand the propanda! Understand it is propanda! Understand this, "PROPAGANDA" is a refusal of the Natural Laws of the Universe.

Be proud of who you were born to be!

Embrace the suck, because on this plane and this timeline it is about the, "SUCK."

Your mission, if and when you chose to accept it, is to embrace the "SUCK."

MOVE ON and IN to what you were created to be,

An individual sown in the seeds of love where everyone would love to drown.


Adios,Sayonara with blessings from the kingdom as you are lifted in LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and a mulititude of blessings!