Hi @foxkoit
What a beautiful big guy you caught ! I've never seen a black woodpecker. But I've never been to your area. LoL
I have 2 or 3 mated pairs of Red Headed woodpeckers living around my house. They made a hole in a dead tree that was used many years but once a hurricane came in, it blew that big branch down with the nest hole intact. Thank goodness there was no babies inside.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your nature shots.
JUst hold eyes on new trees , I.m sure they soon make new and fresh holes :) I think I had same problem here when old dead tree nots no longer stood up here more on the forest grounds :)
No doubt. LoL ya have to be very careful if you are walking in the woods and the wind is blowing strong. Don't want to get knocked out with a falling limb. LoLGood morning @fixkoit