i think you have the next DreemPort challenge.
Use your pen, to write an Ode to Pen.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha KIDDING! we would no longer have a dev working on DreemPort. i DO KNOW MY LIMITS. lolololol
i like to think i'm training him - but don't the best trainers make you THINK that way??? LOLOL
Hehehehe! Who knows, but it could be the challenge to end all challenges.
And I think you know how to read that last line accurately:
i'm laughing so hard - he is sleeping now and is gonna wake up and be like the grouchy old man telling the kids to GET OFF HIS LAWN!!!!
I think we should play here for a bit longer then.
Take off our shoes.
Put the hose on and squeal as we run through the jets.
this sounds perfectly reasonable and acceptable to me.
i mean - i do know my limits.
that doesn't mean I restrict myself to them.
!Luv & !Lolz and fairy wings! Don't forget the fairy wings! Hehehehehehe
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