It's a beautiful bird. We in Cuba know him as the woodpecker too. Do you know with what tool you dig the big holes? It is not with the beak but with his tongue, rather with both things but with the tongue it is that he does his main job.
Greetings to you friend @foxkoit. From Havana, Cuba.
Es un lindo pájaro. Nosotros en cuba lo conocemos como el pájaro carpintero también. Saben con que herramienta cava los grandes agujeros? No es con el pico sino con su lengua , mejor dicho con las dos cosas pero con la lengua es que hace su principal trabajo.
Un saludo para ti amigo @foxkoit. Desde La Habana Cuba.
This bird tucks small chips with her strong beak , so it does it all week until the hole is ready. If the tree is fresh as you can see in the picture, then around this tree there are a lot of these chips and also the smell of fresh tree.
Yes, the nature has all the things that are inexplicable.
True :)
Do You know about the praying mantis and its mating. Another of the inexplicable things.
no I not know :))