Hello everyone! We've got a lot going on at EasyDex the past few days. First, the Autonio app has been released with EasyDex integration

Next, we are happy to announce that PalmPay will be integrating EasyDex assets into their upcoming v2.0 release

Finally, lately we've noticed that the market price of our Portfolio Builder token has fallen below the price of the token campaign. This is due to people who have gotten paid in PB tokens and need to liquidate them to meet their daily needs have been selling them for less than they can be obtained through the pool. To remedy this we have decided to implement a token buy-back based on the price determined by the daily pool. Through these buy-backs we hope to encourage participation in the token campaign while ensuring that those who decide to sell their tokens can get a fair price for them on the open market. It is still our advice to hold these tokens as holders will receive regular sharedrops of each crypto asset we run a gateway for but some of the people who perform services for us need to liquidate them and we think this way will be beneficial for everyone.
I covered everything I can think of but if you have further questions or comments feel free to join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/BfZg9JY, on telegram at https://t.me/easydex or email us at support@easydex.info or leave a comment below. Don't forget to join us for the EasyDex Podcast, Fridays at 20:00 UTC on the Discord server hosted by @sirlunchthehost.

I see a lot of good things happening here! \o/
Great news, when independent projects around Bitshares find together and develop synergy effects around the blockchain.
It's all about the synergy... and Bitshares has one of the best communities for it.
Thanks for the update. Can you confirm when the PB tokens will start to generate dividends? In my view, this is what will support the price. I understood it would be shortly after the PB sale but it has been weeks now and nothing. I started buying tokens daily but I have stopped as I am losing confidence in the concept (which I really don’t want to do). I have asked before and been told ‘when gateways are implemented’ but can you give an idea of when you believe this will happen? When will token holders start to see dividends. I think that the price will pick up when that happens. I appreciate you don’t want to be held hostage to a date you later can’t meet, but a tough idea such as intention is first gateway and dividends implemented in July would be great. Many thanks.
Hello , we have on the BTC gateway and Steem , SBD on the way , once we collect any market fees we will start to give dividends to the token holders .
Thanks for that. I missed the announcement. As it was 2 weeks ago I’m hopeful we should start to see some dividends coming through in the near future.