
Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: soushi888
Receiving Account: pocketexchange
New sending account balance: 786882
New receiving account balance: 50315039
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: cc4cf4537f372f1201b44893237adedd00229376
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

pocketsend:1000@pocketexchange, memo: bitshares soushi8

Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: soushi888
Receiving Account: pocketexchange
New sending account balance: 785882
New receiving account balance: 51327036
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 0f59e84ea270e51d8424caa77e4a1676365f2095
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

pocketsend:1000@pocketexchange, to bts name : soushi8

Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: soushi888
Receiving Account: pocketexchange
New sending account balance: 784882
New receiving account balance: 51328035
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e459bbbdda89b34c606cbb09200e50cfb16c7dd1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: soushi888
Receiving Account: pocketexchange
New sending account balance: 784882
New receiving account balance: 51328035
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e459bbbdda89b34c606cbb09200e50cfb16c7dd1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.