Deep Down the Rabbit Hole: 5 Strange Objects that Indicate Extraterrestial Origin

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

Unusual anomalies and findings have persisted our species, constantly reshaping our knowledge of history. Roman statues found in Canada help redefine the Roman civilization's history and shed light on pre-Columbian exploration of North America.Other anomalies have much harder explanations of their origin within human history. These anomalies and artifacts indicate the presence of other-worldly origins or influence

1. King Tut's Dagger

Native iron is rarely found in nature as it tends to corrode quickly due to oxidation, however, there have been several ancient iron artifacts that have pre-dated the Iron Age by nearly 2000 years. An Egyptian pharaoh, named Tutankhamun, possessed a iron dagger that was decorated with gold when he was buried sometime around 1323 BC. Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) scans showed that the dagger had a higher concentration of nickel that correlated with fine-crystallized metals found in meteorites. The scientific journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science showed that this chemical composition matches other iron meteorites that have been recovered in Kharga, an Egyptian town. Iron used to more valuable than gold before the Iron Age due to the fact that pure iron was not found in nature. Interestingly enough, civilizations such as the Greeks called iron-working siderurgy which translates to "the working of star-iron" while Egyptians called iron "a gift from Seth" which corresponds with a devil-god (Seth) crashing into earth. All these civilizations and others are thought to believe that the metals were from the Gods or "from the heavens".

2. Aiud Wedge

In the Romanian town of Aiud, in 1973, builders found three discoveries near the Mures River. Buried 10 meteres (33ft) under the ground, the first two discoveries were mastadon fossils but it was the third one that was unusual. A metallic chunk with dimensions of 20 cm long, 12.5 cm wide, and 7cm thick with the composition being 90% aluminum according to two separate laboratories. The object was deemed to initially be around 10,000 to 80,000 years ago (the same age as the fossils) but the oxidized layer on the artifact places the age to be around 400 years ago. The date of the material is still debated to this day. Even it was 400 years old, this purity of aluminum has only been produced within the last 200 years, specifically in 1845 when German chemist Friedrich Wohler heated potassium and aluminum chloride together. The object has concavities that propel speculations of it being a part of a more complex mechanical system. UFOologist and others have claimed this may be a piece of a UFO wreckage, or even proof of an ancient civilization that was well-versed in metal-working. Some skeptics such as Romaninan historian Mihai Wittenberger claims the object is a piece of landing gear from a WWII German airplane, specifically the Messerschnmitt ME 262. This claim does not support the current dating estimate for the artifact. Other skeptics point to a possible flaw in our understanding of history and technology associated with certain eras. With stories such as Roman artifacts being found in Canada, more than 1000 years earlier than when Columbus "discovered" America, or lost technologies such as "Byzantine fire" it is not hard to imagine a scenario where certain technological advances could have been lost to time. The chunk of metal is currently held at the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca, with a sign that reads "origins still unknown".

3.UFO wheel tooth

Similar to the Aiudad Wedge, a object that is composed of extremely pure aluminum was found in Vladiostok, Russia within a coal mine. The "tooth" shaped object was embedded in ancient coal that could possibly be around 300 million years old. The composition of the tooth (96-98% aluminum with 2-4% magnesium) is extremely interesting as this chemical composition is not normal in our time or the past. Russian scientists also openly wondered if this aluminum alloy was extraterrestrial due to aluminum-26 (found in meteorites) which breaks down to magnesium-26. Supporters of the extraterrestrial theory claim that this was part of a complex aluminum machine or even a UFO itself. The tooth looks similar to parts that are used in microscopes, and various technical and electronic devices. Skeptics say it is likely that the dating of the object is being exaggerated while others such as Brian Thomas, claim that the artifact could have been produced by a race of people that pre-dated the historical Flood of Noah. His reasoning is that a lot of deeply buried coal deposits were created by this flood. Nevertheless, this artifact is still under investigation and very few details or answers have emerged.

4. The Betz Sphere

In 1974, a fire destroyed Antoine and Jerri Betz's property at Fort Georgia Island, FL. Sifting through the wreckage, they came upon a giant metallic symbol with a triangle etched on to it. The family decided to keep the 22lb ball as a keepsake. Their son, Terry, was strumming his guitar when he noticed the ball starting to vibrate like a tuning fork and began emitting throbbing noises. Terry began to experiment with the ball, noticing anomalies such as the ball rolling everywhere when it was shook and set down on the ground. The family then started to claim that doors would slam without someone touching them and that it would emit frequencies that would cause their dog to cover its ears with its paws. A reporter from the Jacksonville Journal, Lon Engner, was sent to investigate this claim and tried rolling the sphere away from him. According to his account,"It rolled away... turned by itself and rolled to the tight about four feet... it stopped... then it turned again and rolled to the left about eight feet, mad a big arc and came back to my feet." A U.S. Marine spokesman even admitted on television that the ball behaved strangely in his presence. The Betz family gave the ball to the Jacksonville Naval Air Station who determined that is was mad of stainless steel/nickel alloy that was magnetic. Interestingly, the ball was able to withstand pressure of 120,000 lbs per square inch and was shown to have four different magnetic poles, two positive and two negative. After the Navy investigation, a Dr. Cal Wilson represented a Louisiana research firm called the Omega Minus Institue who determined that the discovery of multiple poles and the fact that the flux density of the field fluctuates on an unidentified pattern which, he claims, defied the laws of physics. The research findings came to a climax on June 24th, 1977 when Dr. James A. Harder determined that two internal spheres lay within the object and the density of theses spheres indicate that they are made of elements "... far heavier than anything known to science... Harder claims to have determined that the Betz sphere has atomic numbers higher than 140." Although there is claim that the ball is a lost work of sculptor James Durling-Jones who claims that the rattling within the sphere was due to the company manufacturing it, drilled holes into it, allowed metal chips to fall inside before rewelding them shut. This does not seem to link up as there was not noticeable weld marks and the X-ray testing showed distinct structures within the object. The ball has strangely dropped out of public eye since the initial media frenzy and no one is sure of the whereabouts the sphere.

5. Aien Implants

The subject whose pseudonym is "John Smith" woke up on February 29th, 2008 to a burning pain in the tip of his left, second toe with two apparent puncture wounds on the underside of it. This puncture wound was found to be fluorescent green under UV illumination. After increasing "electrical shocks" affecting the area, the man saw Dr. Roger Leir who obrained X-rays of the foot that showed a foreign object embedded in the foot. Gaussmeter and radio frequency analyzer tests showed the object emitting radio waves in Gigaherts, Megahertz, and Extremely Low Frequency while also generating a magnetic field of less than 10 mGauss. After the surgical removal of the implant (where the brittle structure broke into 12 pieces), it was stored in refrigerated blood serum, where the broken pieces appeared to line up in the original order, almost if trying to piece themselves back together. Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) scans showed the object was mainly made of oxygen, iron, nickel, carbon, and silicon with smaller amounts of magnesium, aluminum, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, and sodium. Due to the high amounts of nickel and iron, it is thought to extraterrestrial origin, such as a meteorite. The outer layer of the sample showed inclusions of carbon nanofibers which resembled rolled sheets of carbon atoms. These nanotubes are the strongest known material and have unique properties that will be used in Earthly science for nano-electric components, ultra-high strength Aerospace materials, and energy storage devices. There also appeared to be a high concentration of a ceramic-like inclusions which is highly unusual given that no natural process in which ceramic inclusions of this type could be formed inside the metal. This anomalies left Steve Colbern to note, "The manufacture of a device comparable to this one is probably beyond the technology of known, Earthly, commercial processes at the present time, it is likely therefore that the device was manufactured by an alien civilization." Although this has been met with resistance from skeptics, Dr. Leir was intrigued by his findings and performed surgery on 16 more patients with "alien" implants. His findings, as well as the questions they raise, may drive some down the Rabbit Hole.


Thank you guys for view, I hope you enjoyed this article like I did writing it. I know this was a kinda "cliffhanger", I will be planning an article strictly around Dr. Roger Leir's surgeries, findings, and anomalies within the week. his findings are incredible, I can't wait to share. Also, take notice of the all these objects being made of similar metal compositions. As always, perform your own research to find your truth; my resources will be down below. I put in significant hours of scouring the web, cross-referencing to eliminate fraud, and try to touch on both sides of the argument. Any ideas, questions, or general conversation is always encouraged. Thank you to Earth Nation for being the amazing beings they are. If you are interested in shifting the paradigm to one based on openness, compassion, and love, please check out their website and see how you can help change the world! Namaste.

P.S. Deep Down the Rabbit Hole is a segment I will be doing 1-4 times a week, time-dependent. Learning knowledge that perplexes and causes investigation is my favorite type of knowledge. Thank you for the amazing support behind this post, I truly am stunned. I aspire to be a full time writer one day, traveling the world and reporting people's culture, strange places and facts, as well as interested in geometry, health, food, history, and lots of green ideas. I believe Steemit and the family within it is an amazing start.



all this alien talk covers up what is the ingenuity of our ancestors.

I'm pretty sure we have been beyond this level of civilization before, and that we are being led to believe otherwise.

why? because then they can show up in their advanced tech and get you to bow down before them. they also know when we are getting advanced tech and direct us away from it. they don't want us to possess it, they want us to be controllable.

nice..check out my recommendations

Wonderful post .. Pls I would really appricaite it if you up vote my posts.. Your wall is one I look forward to becoming @donovan313.. Thanks a lot ..

I once read an author who made king tut's knife very fascinating, claiming Tut had ET origins and the knife was made from meteors. Sometimes, I think most of these artifacts have a rational explanations but sometimes some are just too advanced and defy a rational explanation. But it will be great to have an undebatable evidence of ET influence on mankind one day.

I have seen a couple documentaries about Tut being an alien, it is just hard with so much history and evidence gone though. Even if there was undebateable evidence of intelligent ET influence, it will always be debated. lol. Which it should, no not get me wrong, but I'm amazed when I present cases or things that have not been explained by modern science to intelligent humans and they do not see a need to try to figure it our. It almost blows me away as much as the case I'm trying to present does. But thank you for the comment, I will do some more research on King Tut and perhaps have him on an article of DDRH.

I understand that there will always be debates regardless of how solid the evidences are but some claims are far fetched. I think the pharaohs headgear doesn't reflect the actual shape of their head, also, I think most people who write in this field always make far out claims that almost discredit their more credible claims. Reading von daniken's book however will amaze anyone who is willing to reflect on them, it seems there is an ET connection in the distant past of our history, or maybe humans were just very advanced till a point when a global catastrophe reset the state of things.

I will be looking forward to the article on Tut. The Pharaohs have a great history. I wanted to write about the black Knight satellite earlier, maybe I will do it, I'm sure you are aware of it?

Oh yes, the Black Knight Satellite is yet another inexplicable anomaly that the mainstream and others ignore. I thought about doing an article on it but I have so many other ideas. After the Dr. Leir article coming up, I'm planning to cool it for awhile on the alien articles and focus to other topics such as sacred geometry, FBI and CIA programs, as well as lost artifacts. I do believe that the people that sometimes jump to extraterrestrial or alien findings without evidence based in certainty opens the door for criticism that can even demean the entire point, even if their point is valid. I will be talking about global catastrophes that we know of and the possible causations. I believe we may have had some advanced civilization help shape our beginnings of rulership, economics, and society but whether that is our own race or another is left to be determined.

yes, I haven't heard about the black knight in a long while. also, people who write without evidence are too many these days, they see it as a business and that's why it always feels good to find balanced and well written articles. I will look forward to articles especially on CIA declassified UFO related files, global catastrophes and the possibility of an advanced race (Also don't forget to look at Sumeria and India, they are rich in these sort of history).. I will see if I can do justice to an article on the black knight.

Definitely try doing an article on the Black Knight, that is always a fascinating subject.

I will try put it together and make it interesting.

There is so much evidence our history is not what they are teaching at schools. They need to take a deeper look into this evidence and rephrase what ever they teach to possible evolutionary history because lets face it none of us really know what is true and what isn't.

A CIA Director (William Casey) was quoted in saying that "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."Pearson supplies most of our education, our tests, and control teacher qualifications. They try to control every faucet of information that comes across a child because that is who the establishment fears the most. Most adults become desensitized to the brainwashing but children that stay away from it are unusually bright and look at learning as a positive rather than a negative since they are not forced to wake up at unusual hours and told to stay still at a desk for 6 hours (these are both highly unnatural for anyone to do!). But yes, we have lost great deals of information due to greed, corruption, and propaganda and re-investigating the past reveals that this economic slavery is thousands of years old.

I have a son that struggles learning in the school environment. When he was assessed (under the advisement of teachers,) he graded above average so he should be an A grade student. He struggles to sleep at night which means he's tired all day, he has trouble with his peers, which causes him to be stressed all day, It's the only private school where we live and it's Catholic, he is not religious so this makes him doubt everything they are teaching. He has developed slight curvature of the spine and is round shouldered due to the way they sit all day. School seems to be a huge waist of time for him, he would learn more if he was home schooled, unfortunately the law is making this very hard for us to try.

I understand completely, this is so unfortunate how school drives the creativity of kids. You may be able to circumvent the laws possibly. Look into "unschooling", which is a type of schooling, that emphasizes learner-chosen activities and knowledge. I will post a link. I will pray for your boy, he is strong and can excel. However, schooling may cause him to drop his interest in learning. Doubting everything they are teaching is not necessarily a bad thing, but it sucks when you have to memorize false information to pass school (prison for kids).

Thank you for the link, very much appreciated. We will continue to do all we can to help him. I agree it does suck he has to learn false information.

Only we can find our own individual truth, we just need to wade through all the disinformation and misinformation that is present which is easier said then done.

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