Deep Down the Rabbit Hole: 5 Facts about Fluoride.

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

Artificial Fluoridation in the U.S. began on January 25th, 1945 in Grand Rapids, MI. U.S. This occurred due to several recent studies linking naturally-ocurring fluoride to decreased rates of tooth decay in several cities. Six years later, surveys indicated that decay levels in children decreased which snowballed into fluoridation tests in New York, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. These tests, along with several others were used as evidence as success leading to 24 countries such as the U.S., Singapore, Ireland, Israel, Columbia, Canada, and Australia to artificially add fluoride to their populace. Although this equates to only around 372 million people worldwide (about 6% of total population), many debates, studies, and conspiracy theories have followed fluoridation since its conception. Dissenters from fluoridation argue about possible neurotoxic and endocrine-damaging capabilities. With many scientists and dentists still recommending fluoride, while others condemning its used, this controversy is as prevalent as ever.

Deep Down The Rabbit Hole 🐇

1. Compounds that Contain Fluoride in Nature are Different From Artificial Sources

Naturally-occurring fluoride is found as calcium fluoride. This composition of fluoride was first noticed for its cavity-preventing effects (it should also be noted that calcium is effective for helping teeth as well) and sparked the initial fluoride research frenzy. The three artificial fluorides used in current water treatment are fluorosilicic acid (H2Si6), sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6), and sodium fluoride(NaF). Fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate are known as fluorosilicates, which have been examined for their reactive properties to lead and aluminum. These types of fluorides are able to disassociate, meaning that the Fluoride ion is free to react with compounds in the environment such as lead (pipes) or aluminum (pop cans). Fluorosilicates are by-products from the manufacturing of phosphate fertilizers, which has been a cause of controversy due to other by-products being detected such as arsenic. Some research has reported that 90% of the total arsenic contributed by treatment chemicals comes from fluoride addition. Even more disturbing, phosphate ores are known to contain radionuclides which are used as a source of uranium and can be found in fluoride treated water. Sodium fluoride has largely been used as a insecticide and pesticide since 1896 when Charles Henry Higbee discovered that fluoride compounds were effective as a stomach poison to bugs. Sodium fluoride was also observed to interfere with calcium metabolism and enzyme mechanisms. An increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes correlates with an increase in fluoride toxicity. Calcium fluoride has been shown to NOT accumulate within the body and does not cause fluorosis (white, opaque spots on teeth that form due hypomineralization of tooth enamel) unlike the other artificial forms of fluoride. There is a theory that the plants need to change every mineral to a bio-available one before anything from that animal kingdom could utilize it.

2. Water Fluoridation Concerns were Raised in 1952 by a Congressman

Arthur Lewis Miller was a Nebraska Republican politician that was active from 1943 to 1959. During the Congressional Record on March 24th, 1952, Miller explained that he introduced a bill allowing the addition of fluorides to public water supply under the implication that it was beneficial but as he researched the findings for that time, he discovered that there was still a lot of research missing for how else fluoride reacts in the body besides in dentist applications. Miller quoted a number of high-ranking health officials, at the time, not advocating the usage of fluorine until further tests were conducted to show the impact on human health. He then goes on to quote a few Department of Agriculture studies, showing that fluoride inhibits calcification of leg bones and also seeps into the placenta of unborn animals, as possible red flags to study these compounds further. The most groundbreaking statistic was Miller showing the death rate from Grand Rapids, MI in 1944 was 585. Four years later, after the start of the fluoridation, the death rate from heart disease went up to 1059 deaths, nearly a 50 % increase. A 50% increase in intra-cranial lesions was also observed in the same period. Miller concluded with the insistence that this matter was an urgent one and that unless "... we are thoroughly convinced that not damage will come to the sick child or to the individuals in the old age group..", we should not use fluoride.

3. The Sources of Fluoride are Many and Varied.

Although the focus of fluoride in water is prevalent, there are actually many sources of fluoride that contaminate everyday living supplies and our environment. The toxic fluoride that accumulates in humans, also accumulates in other animals, especially in the bones, which means that bone broth, processed meats, and canned seafood have fluoride. When the bones and meat are coming from animals that are fed lots of grains (instead of free-range) they usually get fluoride-based chemicals in the grains. Non-organic fruits and veggies will also have significantly more fluoride due to these pesticides. Grapes are notorious for the amount of pesticides used to keep bugs away, so wine is a no go. Kombucha and tea happen to have high amounts of aluminum fluoride, 5-10 times more than a can of pop. Teflon pans causes an increase of 3 times the amount of fluoride in your food. Any product (such as soup, veggies, meat, etc...) that have been washed or processed with fluoridated water will contain it. Beers can have a wide range of fluoride levels but some (like Dos Equis) have no traces (when the study was performed in 2011).

4. A Governmental Researcher Was Fired for Publishing Negative Results about Fluoride in 1990

Dr. Phyllis Mullenix was working at the prestigous research institution, the Forsyth Dental Center, whose purpose was to provide free dental care for the children of Boston. Mullenix was researching fluoride when a grant from the National Cancer Institute was secured to study the neurotoxicity of treatments used in childhood leukemia. Mullenix had great access to funding due to the institutional perks, so she included fluoride studies into the neurotoxicity study. Dr. Mullenix designed a ground-breaking computer pattern recognition system to study the repercussions of fluoride rats. Her findings were shocking, showing that behavioral and I.Q. defects from fluoride match the same resulting defects from chemotherapy patients. She gave a speech on the results to the National Institute of Dental Research in 1990 while also mentioning several studies on fluoride induced I.Q. defects from China that seem to corroborate with her own research. In 1994, three days after having her results presented in the Journal of Neurotoxicology and Teratology (one of the world's most respected publication in the field), she was dismissed from her job at the Forsyth Institute. Her letter of dismissal specifically stated that the action to fire her was not "dentally related". Funny enough, the Forsyth Institute received a quarter-million dollar grant from Colgate after Mullenix's dismissal. Mullenix was ordered by superiors to not publish her results or the grants from the National Institute of Dental Research would stop (about 90% of the Forsyth Institute's money comes from these grants).

5. The Current Legal Suit Against Fluoride Gaining Steem (Get It?)

More research is coming out about the potential dangers of fluoride with a recent report in the oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, officially classifying fluoride as a neurotoxin that is on par with arsenic, lead, and mercury. When three of the country's top experts were invited to speak on the danger of water fluoridation during the Environmental Protection Agency's review on tap water (that happens every six years), they were only given three minutes to speak although they started a full hour ahead of schedule. The experts, Dr. Paul Connet, (Ph.D. in Chemistry), Ellen Connett (managing director of the Fluoride Action Network), and Dr. Bill Hirzy (27 year experienced senior scientist of the EPA) were effectively silenced despite many studies linking the ingesting of fluoride to bone fractures, thyroid, kidney, and heart disease as well as cancer. However, great action by the coalition of Fluoride Action Network (FAN), Food and Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and others filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act. FAN has presented the EPA with over 180 studies showing neurotoxic harm being caused by fluoride that is well within the range that millions of Americans now consume. The most recent news from the lawsuit is from December 22, 2017 where the Federal judge denied the EPA's request to throw the case out of court on the grounds of not enough evidence presented by plaintiff. The EPA remains adamant that there are no studies showing that fluoride has helped contribute to neurotoxicity while FAN maintains there is plenty of credible evidence. The government reacting haphazardly to the possiblility of neurotoxins that may be affecting children, men, women, plants, rivers, animals, and air is something that can drive you Down the Rabbit Hole.

Sources (Source on Dr. Mullenix) (Source of Fluoride Contamination) (Source on Flouride Content of Beer) (Processed Foods and Fluoride) (Information on Flurosilicates) (Patents involving Flouride-derived insecticides) (Background and History of Fluoridation) (Neurotoxic Tendencies of Fluoride) (3 Experts Being Silenced by the EPA) (EPA Lawsuit) (Background and Supporting Studies against Fluoridation) (Top 5 Sources of Fluoride) (More Studies on Fluorosilicates) (More than 2000 studies on Fluoride) (My Favorite Comprehensive Article, also contains the Congressman Speech on Fluoride)


To me, the fluoridation of much US water is one of the best indicators of how horribly corrupt a government can be. It is nothing less than forced medication and the medicine is in my opinion deadly. I bought distilled water for many years until this year when I bought a gravity fed water filter that removes fluoride and chlorine and other nasty things.

Agreed, if people want to fluoridate their water is one thing. If it is systematically forced across a country with no evidence of a host of benefits for the people.... it is hard not to be suspicious at that.

A Berkley filter is where its at to help with that, is that what you have?

After doing a lot of research, I decided to buy the Alexapure filter. I am very pleased with it. I think that the Berkey system is also good but I have never owned one.

such a superb information thanks for sharing with us stay blessed

This is such a worthy read. In my country, we don't have flouridized water but man, the fertilisers for the crops is way too much. Can we consider it lucky that we don't have many cases of brain defects rather than tooth decay? this is common to third world country like Philippines wherein going to dentist is almost comparable to luxury and could be a matter of life and death. I love Steemit but sometimes those who write here just flood the post with irrelevant topics wishing to get noticed. Hands down to you @Donovan313 for this article. Peace out bro!

Excellent article. I've been aware of the dangers of fluoridation for a while now. Fortunately, here in the UK it's not as common, some large cities are routinely doing this, but generally speaking, we are very lucky. It is, of course, in virtually all dental products from toothpaste to mouthwash (even in infant varieties). It's certainly interesting to note, as you mentioned, that studies into tooth decay, became a key factor in blanket fluoridation. I saw a documentary recently, that showed tooth decay was more pronounced in first world countries, where fluoride is liberally used, than in third world countries, where children have no exposure to this poison. On a more esoteric note, the calcification of the pineal gland, just further removes our connection to the world around us, it's little wonder that we live in an increasingly broken world, where the insane are running the asylum. Thank you for this post, it's such an important issue and anything that raises awareness is so important.

There seems to be a lot of blanketed information but perhaos this lawsuit in california will change the status quo. It seems to be more common to know about fluoridation, I believe my next article will be about how to detox fluoride from the body and pineal gland.

Ooh. I'll look forward to that one. It would be nice if this lawsuit paved the way for other things, such as antibiotics and hormones in meat, chlorinating chicken and, one day, GMOs.

This is a wonderful and well researched post! I have been skeptical of fluoride for a long time. My significant other has thyroid problems along with others and she has grown up drinking tap; not only that but she drinks more than the average person. Thankfully I've convinced her to switch to filtered water. Thanks for this post!

Thank you, this took so much time to write. haha, I love getting new facts about stuff I already know. I already knew fluoride was bad but doing this paper opened my eyes up to the prevalence and the varying toxicities of fluoride. I'm glad I could help you switch your significant other to reverse osmosis water. The thyroid can be healed (in my opinion and experience). I will post an upcoming article on that.

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@originalworks come check out a cool article about fluoride

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Really??the toothpaste contains flouride and the water we drink everyday is dangerous??

I have heard claims that fluoridation of water was proposed as a way to dispose of fluoride created as a industrial waste by-product. I have also heard that it was used by the Germans on the Jews. Did you come across anything that validates these claims?
Luckily I have always had well water, but I do remember getting fluoride treatments at the dentist when I was a child. I stopped using fluoride toothpaste many years ago.

As far I can tell, the Germans did not use fluoride in the water. This is a popular myth. But yes, the silica fluorides are the most toxic and are byproducts of fertilizer manufacturing.

Thanks for the clarification

In my part of the world, people who market substitutes of flouride toothpaste with "Moringa" extracts have been criticised and called illetrates by people who think flouride benefits outweigh its disadvantages