Following Spirit to the promised land

The spirit of life moves beautifully, peacefully, and constantly. Sometimes, all you have to do is ride the waves and enjoy yourself. In fact, fighting the tide out of fear, habit and choice can bring feelings of shittiness. The spirit doesn't want that, and neither do I, that is why I choose to peacefully ride the lightning wherever it takes me. Often, when you are in the organic spiritual flow, you can expend large amounts of energy with very little seeming effort. It seems like your body just does what it is supposed to do and you enjoy it. I went running today for 3 miles with no food, and it just made me feel great the whole time, it didn't seem like a chore or very much work at all. My body wanted to run, and so I allowed it, even though I did expend some mental energy, most of it was autonomic.
Following spirit is a matter of choice in the ever present now. It is a matter of letting go of fear and worry about the future, and it is also a matter of letting go of bad habits and bad emotions from the past. It is about letting go of resistance to change, resistance to "work". As an example, right now I am typing on Steemit, with no pre-fabricated idea of what I will say. I am allowing the natural flow of ideas to come out organically and spontaneously. I felt the calling to post again, and even though I did not know what I was going to say, I knew it would be good. Often, that is how the best things in life are created. I improvise a lot when I play guitar, over 99% of the time, and it has taken me from a total beginner to a master in the span of 13 years. Nobody had to direct me, and I usually didn't follow any script, I just did whatever I felt in the moment. When I play piano, however, I love to follow scripts written spontaneously by masters hundreds of years ago, that is just what the flow of spirit calls me to do with a piano. I also occasionally improvise on piano, and I notice that there is a little resistance in me to improvising on piano, because it is not what I usually do, and I am not as good at it. There is a pattern where new, difficult things, or even old forgotten behaviors are resisted when the spirit calls you to do them.
What is the spirit?, you might ask. The spirit is you, me, and everything else. It is your thoughts and emotions, and also it is the higher thoughts and emotions all around us but invisible to many. Creation itself does have a will to it, otherwise why would it exist in the first place? The will of creation is to create and explore new possibilities, to reproduce new individuals who have their own free will, and to allow these offspring an environment where they can also create and explore. That is what all of us are. Like a caring mother, the universe wants us to learn the truth deeply, so that we can always create what we want and avoid suffering. Where do you think that instinct in mothers comes from?
Speaking of resistance, the other day I restrung a left-handed classical guitar that I own, it was the first time I had restrung the guitar on my own, even though I have owned the guitar for 2+ years. In a way, I was procrastinating the menial task out of fear of failure, but mainly I was just being lazy, and didn't want to have to think and try something new. The brain often has to be whipped into shape, but really all I had to do was drop the resistance. When I decided to begin restringing, it was as if my body knew exactly what to do and did everything with very little effort from my ego. The ego was afraid and resisting for know reason, and I felt much better after the task was over. Actually, I felt really good while I was doing it, relaxing because I knew I was being productive. AND, I got to turn on Mozart music the whole time, so I was in a very good mood indeed.
The path to genius is the path of letting go of fear and resistance. It is the path of admitting when you are wrong, and doing what is right. It is the path of getting out of the way and letting your own spirit and the larger spirit guide you. Spirit communicates with you on many levels, the thoughts that pop into your head out of nowhere are a good example. Often, a genius thought comes to you, and all you have to do is act on that thought, immediately if the time is right, and magical, fulfilling manifestations will result. The thought may be telling you to buy something new, which is often resisted due to financial concerns (fear), or doubt that you will actually use it or like it. Some of the best things that I have bought have been impulse buys. And I am not in perfect financial shape, but I trust that Spirit will continue leading me to the path of abundance, because God takes care of its creations.
Plant medicines have a magical way of getting you in tune with your own spirit and the greater Spirit. My go to, consciousness upgraders are Peyote, Mushrooms (all types), Ayahuasca, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, San Pedro, and many more. In fact, if I were to count the number of plants that I upgrade myself with on a daily basis, the count would be over a hundred! Coffee, tea, bushes, trees, flowers, herbs, spices, avacados, fermented goodies, and more.
One of my favorite ways to really blow myself out with plant gifts is to buy extracts of specific plants on Amazon in bulk powder bags. There are no capsules in these packages, just plant powder, and the price is much better. I mix these powders together in Tupperware and other containers and eat on them daily by scooping them directly into my mouth with a small spoon. I find that this simple method of intake allows you to get a lot more plant medicine every day, because it is fast, simple, and easy, a no-brainer. I mix up enough plant medicine for two weeks at a time, making it low maintenance as well. Just another idea Spirit gave me one day. I am usually taking in some type of superfood, aphrodisiac, or adaptogen that way, but I do it with more common powders like tumeric, cumin, nutritional yeast, black pepper and cayanne. That way, I don't have to worry about getting my daily capsaicin in my food.
Another great way to intake plants is to buy alcohol extracts of individual plants, and then put a few drops of each in your water bottle. This actually amps up the power of the extracts because homeopathy utilizes the liquid-crystal amplification properties of water, but you have to have good water to get the amperage. I own a water distiller, so I can turn the flouride-chlorine-pharma-contaminated shitty water into pristine, crystal-clear goodness. While I don't pretend that this transformation results in the best possible water available, it does a pretty damn good job. I have noticed that distilled water made from well water actually tastes better than distilled water made from shitty water. Who would have thought? Maybe there is still a trace of a memory of the sewer left in the purified flouride. A good way to re-structure the water is to add a few drops of rosemary extract or whatever plant-babies you love the most!
I personally am thankful to God and to the plants themselves for their magic superpowers and divine abundance. Without them, I would die. I hope everyone reading this feels inspired to be even more divine, and to help me be divine. Why not? Maybe you should start your own Steemit blog and share your tips and tricks to being a master of the universe. If Spirit is leading you, it is probably because its good for you, so why resist?

Aho, and enjoy your divine incarnation.


Love it!! you have amazing wisdom to share. Keep it coming!Thanks for the suggestions. Didn't know about the rosemary! I keep wanting to RUN.... I need to take the leap and do it. Maybe tomorrow is the day <3 Thank you for the inspiration.