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RE: The Experience of Collaborating with Earth Nation

Sorry to read that about your experience, I too once was a starry-eyed dreaming youth, working with the homeless in Detroit, myself and about a dozen others went AWOL to society. We camped out in a public park for 4 weeks, all to feed, clothe, and fund free books to anyone willing to stay with us a while. Eventually, our movement grew large and so did the crowds.

The church that supported our meetings and sponsored bathroom access, retreated from their word, and soon left us in the September cold. The nightclub that so generously opened its doors for us to seek shelter whilst we staked our claim nearby, they too brought shadows on our shining example in the weary city.

Thankfully, someone kind donated us a former coffee house space across town we rehabbed into a community center to hold our potlucks and organizational meetings. In the end, greed got hold and funding fell through as others committments changed as well. I was there for the art, they had other intentions.

It was beautiful then while it lasted

@donovan313 and I here share similarily the same story; I was introduced to Dakota and @earthnation, stumbling into a world of other fellow artists, writers, and many knowledgeable talented individuals who want to share their insight about the state of our planet.

The overarching love and respect for our ecosystem is primarily the message spun thousands of ways each guild member creates original content for; to promote healthy sustainable living and life isn't much without ART!. I wrote about my past life once as a design student attending College For Creative Studies, before the Occupation.

That post originally made over $100 SBD! Now, I'm steemin' ery day, from other circles in the Planet Steemit network, like Steepshot, Zappl, and DTube to broadcast more about my artwork and my life.

Really awesome platform we're on!