Watched an awesome documentary on a guy that started a community built solely with recycled materials. Is this the same guy ? Last i heard he was fighting for the right to be " off the grid " great concept and completely sustainable. Cheers on your endeavor !
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if the documentary was named 'garbage warrior' then yes that was Michael Reynolds, but i think he's worked out most of his problems with the state of new mexico. he's been doing projects all over the world, quite often at the invitation of the government. he's been especially active in countries that have had recent disasters, helping to replace lost homes with more sustainable and enviromentally sensitive one, not some 'temporary' cheap structures hauled in by ngo's that become slums almost immediately because they were never meant to permenant
Yes I think you are, like Tommy said the Garbage Warrior, amazing Doc and hes been able to get thing going in NM where he can do the building legal and he had another video about building one in Montana,