Why do we have a desire to consume beyond our needs? There are the innate absolute needs of existence; oxygen, water, and caloric intake. For the most part in first world countries this in an easily attainable reality. You could even categorize human companionship as necessity although I have known those that require very little get by(possibly myself being one). Consumption beyond this depends highly on the individual, most of what I feel to be dictates we are force fed in society; power, material wealth or reputation. Pay mind to what levels you take consumption to. More importantly I encourage you to pay mind to the levels we utilize, whether knowing or not, the demise of others for our personal livelihood.
(a lovely image taken from the interwebs)
I have long been troubled by the disconnect and denial we have for what we are consuming. The levels of waste we create in this world builds mountains....literally.
(this is not an original image but taken from the free-range interwebs)
For someone like me that considers myself a steward of this beautiful planet that unselfishly allows for our existence, I am constantly heartbroken at the magnitude of what is really going on. We seem to quite easily fall into the "ignorance is bliss" mentality. The struggles of the lives abused to feed our fancies and the impact on the planet seem to be hidden and ignored.
One of the most baffling matters of consumption to me is the need to have the newest trendiest most force fed manifestation of our passive unnecessary paths to "livelihood". The newest coolest car, the biggest television, the trendiest outfits.
Being puppets of corporate dictates or false securities that lure us and draw from healthy sustainability can provide short term gratification. Long term they only lead to a longing for more.
I urge you as my fellow humans of this planet to pay mind where your desires are eternally force fed from and whom and what those choices may impact.
We should all be stewards of this planet that gives us life and it's our duty to pass on a sustainable future. Take measures to eliminate waste. Take time to reflect on where your material desires are coming from. Take time to love your fellow man and think about their livelihood no matter how far separated they are from your existence.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I welcome your comments.
Thanks for a great article about an important topic. I think we all need a reminder in order to reduce our consumption! :) Helen
Thanks for reading Helen. Over-consumption and the consequences there of make me a little coo coo.
What I love about this platform is that there is no delete option. I think I have now realized that posting in the wee hours as I'm falling off to sleep is a bad idea. Turned out to be rather open ended rambling :)
At the very least edits can be made ; )
I hear you... Note to self, never post on Steemit after a few glasses of wine... :)
oh yes....there's always that ;)