Five Simple Ways You Can Help Fight Climate Change Starting Tomorrow

in #earth7 years ago (edited)

I think that for the most part people around the world accept that the climate is changing at a rapid pace. Sometimes as an individual we can feel helpless to really help make changes to the environment. We sit around and we wait for our governments to pass legislation that will save us. This just might be the biggest issue of our generation and if we don't make changes to our lifestyles we will continue to contribute to the possible end of the world one day. It's time for us to save ourselves. The following are five simple ways that every person can help contribute to saving the climate and reducing your carbon footprint starting tomorrow:

1. ADOPT A VEGAN/VEGETARIAN LIFESTYLE - When I found out that there had been research done that suggests the production of meat can contribute up to 50% of the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere I was shocked. I always thought that cars contributed to most of the pollution and issues with our environment but I was wrong. If you can't adopt this lifestyle I would urge you to try and eat less meat than normal. If you can go from eating meat 7 days a week to 4 days that would me a tremendous impact over the long haul.

2. PRODUCE LESS WASTE AND START RECYCLING - This sounds simple enough, right? Well, for most of my life I didn't recycle because I didn't think it was worth the effort. It's not difficult and there are many ways to easily recycle in society today, it just takes some effort. It also helps to try to buy items that you know are recyclable instead of items that will go to a landfill.

3. BECOME MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT - Once again, sounds simple enough, right? Try to make sure you are turning off lights and televisions when they are not in use. Even better, there are plenty of energy efficient lightbulbs out there that can help save energy. One thing I plan to do in the next year or two is get solar panels installed on my roof. Every little thing counts and the more people that start to do these little things the more of a positive impact we can have on our environment.

4. FIND A BETTER WAY TO COMMUTE - We all know that driving is responsible for a fair amount of pollution in the world so just trying to find a different way to work every so often can have a huge impact. This could include carpooling with other coworkers, cycling/walking to work, or buying a car that is more fuel efficient.

5. VOTE IN THE NEXT ELECTION - I'm 34 years old and the first time that I ever voted in an election was the 2016 presidential election. I never voted in the past because I thought that my vote didn't really matter and that the system was broken anyway, so who cares who is in office. Well, it DOES matter who is in OFFICE and I do CARE now. The person that I voted for didn't get elected, but that doesn't mean that we stop resisting. It is up to us, the people, to elect our government officials. No matter what country you live in, if you have the right to vote, you should use it. Vote for what you believe in and vote for candidates that will fight for those beliefs.

Stay Cool My Friends

*DISCLAIMER* - This article is not meant to serve as any lifestyle changing advice and is meant purely as entertainment.


"6. recycle upvote in solar energy by upvoting @solarcoach comments.

That's great.Your post describes the facts that everyone should do for the environment for the earth.I love it.