Terinting waterfall - paradise on west borneo

in #e7 years ago (edited)

Terinting Waterfall or familiarly called ramboo terintik is one of the natural beauty of Kalbar, a waterfall that has a height of up to 50 meters is located at the tip of the Land of Landak, Kec Air Besar, Sempatung Lawuk Village, or more familiar located in Serimbu area. image
Terinting Waterfall is located far away at the end of Dusun Engkangin and Dusun Jamu (Two Dusun is a checkpoint for visitors start climbing to Terinting Waterfall), it takes travel time up to 5 - 7 hours to get to Terinting Waterfall, but the long journey can also exceeding the time previously thought, because the trip will be hampered if the climb is traversed during the rainy season, because it is a route / access road that is still yellow soil, paths, as well as climbing a very steep hill.

It takes extra energy in the process of climbing the hill, to be able to watch the majestic beauty of Terinting Waterfall, but tired physical body will return to fitter when the Waterfall located at an altitude of 500 - 600 MDPL is seen right on the face of visitors. Truly extraordinary.
early trip from Pontianak City - Ngabang City (Land of Hedgehog), with a long journey of 4 - 5 Hours, with driving speed condition 60 - 70 Km / Hour (Simply once do Rest Point / rest).

Additionally: It would be better if visitors use motorbikes, because to pass the next village kangang / jamu, visitors will pass the suspension bridge that only fit by one motor.

If visitors have reached the city of Ngabang, do the trip back with a reference to Plank instructions leading to Serimbu Region (Expected at the time in the city of Ngabang, visitors have to fill the fuel in Full Tank, because in the future visitors will not find gas stations / gas stations except gasoline Kiosks ).

The duration of the journey through Serimbu area to Dusun Engkangin or Dusun Jamu about 2 - 3 Hours journey, it is because the main path to Serimbu there is still the condition of asphalt road that found severe damage, so visitors / riders must be careful, in order to minimize accidents.

After arriving at Serimbu Market, visitors will be faced with many intersections and gangway entrances, for new visitors guaranteed to be confusion, in which case it is highly recommended to ask the local people about the location of the entrance of Engkangin / Dusun Jamu.
Upon arriving in Engkangin or Jamu hamlet, it is advisable to immediately report on arrival to the local Dusun Head for further data.

For the cost of Guide, lodging and others, usually villagers will offer its services directly to visitors, with service rates vary, the price range from Rp 35,000 - 50,000 per person, about the price can still be negotiated.

If visitors get obstacles on the way to the hamlet Engkangin or Jamu, then resulted visitors to the village in the afternoon or evening, visitors better stay first, then continued climbing at dawn the next day, it is due to terrain, access is quite dangerous if traversed in the dark. image
Because the journey to climb the hill terinting waterfall location can take 5 - 7 Hours of travel (on foot), it is advisable visitors to prepare supplies of consumption while in Rest Point (break), because to complete the ascent, visitors must really spend extra energy. But you will find a great thing like.. image

Walaupun memang terbilang sulit dan penuh akan tantangan untuk mengunjungi wisata alam air terjun Terinting, pengunjung akan sangat puas jika mampu menyelesaikan sampai pulang, karena akan banyak pelajaran, momen, dan kenangan yang tak terlupakan untuk hari esok yang lebih baik. image


I'm sure the journey is worth it. Thanks for sharing.

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