Shut Down, Undelegate Now

in #dvs11 months ago

If you still have a delegation set to @dhedge, undelegate now!

Due to persistent node problems, both DVS and DHEDGE have had issues for a while. These issues caused undelegations, and that caused a reduction in income. If the income was still there we could have operated our own node, but that ship has sailed.

Each week an offer will be made on remaining DHEDGE and DVS in the H-E market, those who want to wait can, those who wanna take the offer can. Only so many offers will be made until a final offer is made and users will have the one month timeout to take that offer.

Archon will be taken over by another user, state your case for take over in the comments. Archon will receive some H-E upgrades before transfer.

ARCHONM will get Hive-engine's mining.


No one wants to take over ARCHON?

Why are you upvoting your own comments? You still have HP, some of us have lost a lot, you may have too but with the HP you still have you should be upvoting us, the holders.

to increase visibility? I'm trying to give away a tribe, no one commented about the tribe... Default sorting method on front ends is reward....

I would guess he did that so it would be on top, but maybe not.

There also using the DHEDGE account to upvote people with half the DHEDGE I have but they skip me. Dude is not serious person

I am very willing, lets get in touch to negotiate details!

My case is that I am the largest holder.

Gimmie a list of H-E products you want on it (if any) before the transfer of ownership happens and let me know what account you want ownership transferred to.

Most of the code needs an update... it's pretty useless as is.

I will work on that this weekend, allow me 48 hours!

I just wanted to say, I also know its a thankless job, so thank you for doing your best, having ideas, wanting to do something interesting.

I happen to think ARCHON is one of the best set up tribes on a technical level, and you did that!

Also good that you spend time with the family, they need you too! I hope you will consider, after some time off of course, to remain a member of the ARCHON tribe, you are welcome always, maybe you can get one or more kids to be a Shadow Hunter.

Okay, I did some digging.

Of course, with anything here, I am negotiable. I am fully aware of the 'real value' behind this transfer. I have not been able to get sting chat to work on my brave browser unfortunately, but I am willing to release an email address that you could write too if you want to take this private.

First, I would like any and all code, working or not working that you have. I believe we can work with even the not working stuff, and be much further ahead than starting from scratch.

I am interested in any and all accounts that you are willing to give up, including but perhaps not limited to:

upfundme (related accounts?)

Again, not to beat a horse, but I can fully understand the need to negotiate here and I am quite flexible.

On the wallets, I am willing to work with any and all tokens that come with them, especially those with some 'value', including HIVE, HBD, HP, HIVE SBI, Ragnorak and SPK drops, and HIVE-ENGINE tokens. This is including but not limited to:


  • Since you are buying back DHEDGE and DVS, it may make the most sense to just call those 'burned'. I am flexible and negotiable on all of these things, but this special case I am particularily aware of.

You can make the owner to be @ecoinstar and I can figure out what to do from there.

Would you be able to take the ownership of DHEDGE too? If you want, I can help you with putting it back to work. It's a great project.

I must decline, not because I don't like DHEDGE or think its a great project. It is however, completely different, wasn't offered, and I have less stake in it.

It will be a lot of work to take over either of these projects, and I would much rather focus on the one I have some good ideas about. I hope you understand 🙏

I can put at least 10K HIVE as delegation for starters.

@taskmanager, is it possible to take over DHEDGE?

That would be a perfect plan, Eco! You know you can count on us to support Archon!

U could at least support with the HP u have still the accounts holding ur now worthless token. U wait until it’s worthless after 2 months to update? Incredibly scummy behavior

But u upvote ur own commrnt ? Wow ur a creep


U still have some HP. At least give some value to those holding man. Not upvoting self comments instead. Cringe.. I saw this coming , but many believed ur random updates months ago stunt like all was gonna be fine. It was obvious this was over. At least set ur account to upvote those stuck with bag. Lame man

It was upvoted solely to increase visibility? What is the standard sorting method for most front ends? I think it's still set to reward by default right? And since it's set to reward by default, wouldn't an upvote be required to place it at the top? Obviously I want a community member to to become the owner of the ARCHON tribe......

Hi. Is it possible to take over DHEDGE?

Did you ever get an answer? With 8 kids and a 60+ hour a week job, it might take a while to hear back.

Im not selling my dhedge or DVS - seems dumb for the price - let's see what else happens.

!DHEDGE. Oh nevermind got rug pulled

Hi, I may be interested in taking over ARCHON, and DHEDGE too. I'm the owner of @lolztoken, and have built all my own scripts to run the scripts for voting, paying dividends, and LOLZ farming.

I have struggled with the node issues as well, and have recently built my own node tester/picker to ensure the node I'm using is working well before the script runs.

Let me know what you think. You can DM me on Discord from the LOLZ Fun House -

I'm liking the LOLZ project more now that you are investing in HBD. Let's see if you can get something going for DHedge and DVS. They were fun while they lasted.

any news of developments in potential takeovers??

A taxi driver was getting flirty with a woman in a bar.
At the end of the night he took her back to her place.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of eolianpariah2



@captaincryptic, I sent you an

You stick us with the bag but stop upvoting us while u still we the DHEDGE account to upvote ur friends. Nice man

I am so sad, Task. I know how much work you put into building this project. I hope Archon can continue.

I'm hoping you or someone in your orbit can take over ARCHON TBH, after it gets some of the H-E products to insure reliable service... I don't want archon to end with me leaving.... I don't want anything for it, I just want it to go somewhere "good".

My bots are no longer functioning as intended, and I don't have the time or energy to update them. I've tried and just can't with my current work schedule.

Some of the ARCHONM will be bought back and burned, those who are ok with switching to H-E mining can keep theirs (or buy).

ARCHON will get that governance system H-E offers to allow for proposals to get funding... All will be kept around the same output for ARCHON per day...

There's more, I just can't think of it off the top of my head... But ARCHON was set up too good to just flop on my exit..... Even without a transfer of ownership, it would continue, however it would benefit even more with a proper takeover.

Thanks for being open there. I would offer to step in on Archon, but I lack coding skills so I'm not the man. Any thoughts @melinda010100 ?

Im working on it! I love the project and have been involved from the start! You would be a great team member if we can pull this together.

He’s not a honest broker. Be careful that’s all

Sorry, but I'd require the new leader to know the difference between trying to take a single dollar from the reward pool, and trying to move a comment up in placement within their post.... Coding skills are irrelevant as it can be outsourced.

He’s at least honest unlike the former centralized controller

Talk about a reply. Man this guys jerk

At least ya got decent taste in music 🤣

Thank you for your witness vote!
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Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

BEERHey @taskmanager, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I think we can put together an Archon team with some of the old Lotto guys! @pixelfan has some tech skills and with some help and advice from you would be willing. @seckorama is great with PR. And I can put my heart into helping wherever needed.

Can we all connect in a Discord DM chat?

FWIW: The "unstable nodes" weren't the reason for the unstakes... the 0 communication about any potential problems caused the unstakes (in my case anyway). When the system(s) stopped running, I hung around for some time, hoping that there would be ANY sort of communication... but alas.

I really feel screwed over on this, just a few months back I put 100$+ in DVS and now it's rugged and worth ~10$. If feels impossible to find projects that can be trusted in crypto :(

I had picked DHEDGE to help with a growth strategy and now I am cutting losses. All about risk versus reward, building trust and implementing a recover plan.I hear ya... !LOLZ I invite you to checkout #PEPT

Wonder what the offer price will be.

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Credit: thales7
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



@costanza, I sent you an

Perhaps, it was like this by design. Since late Sept., early Oct. it was very obvious, undelegated and sold everything then. For me, it was obvious, it's a scam. When maddogtime, watchlist account network manipulated the daily DVS drop after staking, it got totally screwed and nothing happened to stop them, ban them, make a 'fork' based on earlier balances.

And other big delegators considered it as 'market capitalization'... :) not manipulation. So it's very suspicious. There is a real chance, the hole thing was a collusion by some of the big delegators. They all stopped delegation months ago, asap got huge DVS, and they kept selling it to the small guys for months... the greed factor...

Perfect example, why Hive will fall, but definitely won't be a winner!

Why would I design it to fail? I made nothing off of that happening, and lost 90% of my income from the project.... Comments like these are why I'm retiring from HIVE.

Anyways, no one is happy when a project fails.

60% of the time one of my programs (or bots) requests information from a node, the node returns an error when it used to just receive information and run 99.9% of the time. A project can't run only 40% of the time it's supposed to.

from average user point of view, it pretty much looks like this. The delegation rew. manipulation happened 1-2 months after start. You did NOTHING against that, so you were completely fine, most of people will lose very much on it - except the manipulator(s) and few other big delegator.

and top of this, it was running further, while they can sell their crap DVS, and of course, they undelegated couple of weeks after this wonderful event...

so yes, it pretty much looks like a SCAM!

and projects like this why I'm retiring from Hive...

Actually I adjusted the code making that manipulation impossible again, that's the exact opposite of nothing.

I work a blue collar job 60+ hours a week, I am responsible for 8 children, I have too much on my plate to argue with an unknown human... Regardless of how you FEEL, the facts are as I stated them

well, I know that, but after the exploit was done, it was like kiss to a dead guy...

anyway, not a big loss, and actually, it made me dig a bit deeper in Hive, and partly this made me recognize the ugly truth.

There are a few good projects on HIVE.

Just my 2 cents but I dont think this was a rug or set up to fail. HIVE is simply not big enough to make a rugpull worth well. haha.

Sorry to hear about you losing some money all the same.

hey, as a former large delegator I can only say that I tried to maximize the APR and didn't have any alterior motives... I am quite confident that we would still have DVS if the code wouldn't have had a flaw. Seems like there are no second chances in crypto

Yeah... you and me both :-(


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/20)@costanza! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @braaiboy.

This says. It all…

It says the default sorting method is reward and the owner wants to GIVE AWAY the tribe, one of the most used tribes on HIVE... That's what is says???? I think that's what it says....

U really have no self awareness of how u look do u?

It does look bad but we all know that top-rewarded comments go to the top. I'd say in the grand scheme of things, a $1 upvote is a drip in the ocean.

@melinda010100 looks to be motivated to do something toward saving the tribe so all might not be lost. The best communities within crypto have no leader and the community runs this, this could be a blessing long term for token holders.

You make very good points 👍
Cheers my friend

@taskmanager Hope all is well and that progress is being made toward an Archon transfer. Let us know if there is anything we could be doing to help! ❤️

Ownership of ARCHON and ARCHONM has already been transferred. @archon-gov will need a new custodian to setup an income with it and use that income for tribe expenses. The likely choice is @ecoinstant, but there should be an opportunity made for anyone to state their case...

Would you mind changin the ownership of the archon:swap.hive pool from upfundme to ecoinstar as well? This can be done is tribaldex interface.

Also, can you explain a little more about what is a custodian? We are going to have an open forum to discuss some of these things, but I don't quite understand it myself yet.

@archon-gov was to be controlled by stake but that wasn't exactly secure... Maybe with the new smart contracts coming it will actually become what it was supposed to be at some point. But until then, the custodian uses the account to benefit the tribe.

The protocol in place for @archon-gov if I were to exit was either find a new custodian, or power down everything and distribute based on archon governance power.

I am so excited that with all of us working together we will be able to continue Archon! This is such a brilliant project and I'm happy that you are trusting us to continue all of your efforts! ♥️

Makes sense, and I am happy to be a custodian 'in the mean time' while we get the community together to figure it out.

I have to ask, and as I mentioned before I understand everything is negotiable, what are the thoughts about the @archon-mining account. As I see it, those funds would be ideal to re-establish the mining protocol.

Also, I have an email that I can share publically, , from here we can begin communicating, if there is any code (or keys) you are willing to share, I understand it needs work, but a head start is valuable for us.

I'd love to get an email from you to discuss any amount of these things privately!

I notice that archon-mining is powering down. What should be our expectation of funds that we will have to work with? For reference, the HP on archon-mining was and still is greater than the market cap of the ARCHON tribe.

@taskmanager. Thank you! We can use to begin off chain communication.

I'm very sad to hear that; it was one of the few Hive-Engine projects I had a bit of faith in as something that could potentially keep going in the long run.

I'm pretty non-technical and had hoped the issue was related to the Hive-wide database issue following the hack... but this sounds like something different, and well outside my wheelhouse.

Thanks for the update, anyway.


I work too much to keep up with it's needs now, by the time I get home I'm half asleep, and my one day off a week goes to my kids. This is the real issue, everything else could have been coded around if I had the time and energy.

DVS unstack thx for the information

Thank you for the update. !LOLZ

What do you call a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



@dhedge, I sent you an

That feels not good 😢

How do you make a cheese puff?
Chase it around the block.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of dailyspam


yo conoci el proyecto y me gusto por lo que inverti en el, parece que ya no seguira

This is strictly for delegations correct? I do not have any delegations. Will the tokens continue or are the project being shutdown completely?

I just read all the comments. It is sad that this has happened but I agree with those who feel like they have lost out. I was really digging the dhedge project and the fact it was paying out. I bought into it and feel I am among those whose investment is now not worth what was put into it. I will no longer be buying into anything. If I can't earn it I don't need it. I have sold holdings I thought were no longer benefiting me.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @braaiboy tipped @costanza

Hi there,


Each week an offer will be made on remaining DHEDGE and DVS in the H-E market, those who want to wait can, those who wanna take the offer can. Only so many offers will be made until a final offer is made and users will have the one month timeout to take that offer.

When and where will these announcements be made? How much are we looking at when the offer(s) is/are made? (i.e. no necessarily the amount, but just a formula/indication would help).

Honestly, they likely won't be announced, I sucked at announcements from the beginning and I highly doubt I'll suddenly get good at it in the ending....

Not much for the first offer, those who are full of fear will take it, it will reduce the supply, and allow for a better 2nd offer...

As for an exact formula, I've crunched numbers and still havent come up with something fair yet.

This did not fail because of the bots. glitches etc. It failed because over the years members have begged for communication. You refused. This is on you. You acknowledged this more than once.There had been plenty of people willing to help. Still need someone to take over archon?

Yup! No communication at all for like 2 months. You are spot on!

13$ worth of tokens now 0.098:(

Really discouraging for someone who just started this token stuff:(

Tribe tokens are centralized projects. Please research them! They are not independent blockchains. They are total controlled by creator and creator has power to do anything basically. This is not a flaw in Hive. It’s a centralized separate thing run on the Hive chain.

just found out, very sad. thank you guys for the help

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sorry for the not related question.

@taskmanager do you hold @sports-gov keys?

The community owner just left the community, and we cannot do anything to keep it running and improve it.