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RE: 8/10/17 In DUST we trust!

in #dust8 years ago (edited)

9/5/17 11:40 AM update: Since DUST now needs to rally in order to setup my short term buy signal I will set a sell limit at $ dead on. Now at 20.20. If the buy signal comes in before $21+ is tagged I will cxl this sell limit.


BWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ut oh joesephine.....looks like you going to be spit roasted again. Nicely done assface! What's next dumbfuck?

instant assfarking joe btw dust ait close to 25.20....What market are you looking at dumbass!

9/7/17 premarket update: DUST going to open belowst $20 it appears. No reason to get taken out with losses via a stop on this trade so I will cxl the limit stop and add to the position.

Nice ass stomp down dumb fuck!!!!!! Bwaaaaaahhhh ha ha

9/8/17 11:18 AM: Situation likely doesn't get resolved until later today and a DUST move to appx 20.50 wuld actually generate a short term sell. So here's the plan. Limit to sell my hundo at 20.50 which gets cxl'd if DUST trades back belowst $19 first. If that happens I will add 50 shares at 18.65 limit. DUST now at 19.90..."live!"

9/9/17 weekend update: I will keep this limit to buy 50 DUST at 18.65 open, GTC.

poor basterd, did ur trailer get rekt and your 3 dollars blow away?

how's your tesla short from 185.00 looking?

9/15/17 After hours update: Look at that shit. I mist my limit sell by all of .03 centavos on Th and then by .05 today. Yet I didn't miss a thing in 5 days of market reactions and over-reactions. I will take my 100 DUST long away here in AH at the last 3 trades of 22.49. Basically a 10% gain for doing nothing...for a week. Anyone want to try and beat that? DUST signaling sell into the close so a selloff is to be bought...a rally to be sold. I'll just exit here and go onto something else. There's always something else. :-0