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RE: Hardly Drab...the Duranta.

in #duranta6 years ago



Nature is beautiful. It is a perfectly ordered system that makes human life possible. The beauty of nature is unmatched by human inventions and design, no matter how much we advance in our lives.That is why human beings turn to natural solutions when their artificial ways fail. We try to make our buildings and our spaces beautiful, but we forget to incorporate nature into them. And when we realize that our indoor spaces have become bland and boring, all we can do is introduce some natural elements to brighten them up again.This is where plants come in. These are a symbol of natural beauty and elegance that we humans can only marvel at. Many people love to grow plants inside their homes, and one of the primary intentions while doing so is to add color in the home. While there are many plants that can be grown indoors to add color and life, the Duranta plant is one of the most attractive.


Duranta plants prefer sunny environments. They like plenty of light to grow to their full potential. If placed outside, they should be placed in the full sun. The plant can be grown in partial sun as well as in dry areas. This, however, causes its growth to be affected in a negative way.When placed inside, you can keep it in front of a south-facing window that lets in plenty of light. Placing it in front of a south-east or south-west window without curtains would work better in case you want to control the height from getting too much for an indoor space.

Duranta-Saphire-Showers-std (1).jpg

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