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RE: Could you please please please kindly spend 3 minutes of your valuable TIME to encourage and support others to grow with Dtube ?

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

Hey Nathan!

I am new to Steemit, but I have been seeing your optimism, positivity, and go-getter, all-in attitude through the platform and I just wanted to let you know you are super inspiring for someone just coming in and now seeing we are hitting a rough time. I will be getting a really nice camera soon, so pumped! But when it does arrive, and when I go out to make my first video and from then onwards (I will be doing my best until then to meet your first request to us for leaving 7 meaningful comments) I will follow your formula to respect this awesome platform and the message it brings, and I hope that little bit of effort from me can make you feel like the huge amount of effort you put in was worth something.

In this world, it can be so hard to feel like what you do is appreciated, but in living a life worth living, you must first give to know what you give can indeed exist and be received. You give a lot, everyone can see that in this little comment section alone, so I hope we can all give back too.

Anyway, yeah! I ain't no big enough of a fishy to be of help on any team for a long while, but I'll do my best to follow the culture regardless!

Please be well!


Thank you for your comment my friend and I truly appreciate your lovely words.

Looking forward to your Dtube introduction :)

Thank you for your promosie of leaving 7 meaningful comments and our DtubeFamily777 love to have people like yourself :)

Welcome to Dtube !!

Aw shucks, you are more than welcome Nathan, and thank you for your warmness.