Please never say sorry for responding because we're like a family here on DTube :)
Certainly it's good not to focus on the target number.
I'm setting this minimum standards to our current DtubeFamily members so that when someone new joins our family know that we put content contributions before content creation!
Have a wonderful week and Talk to you soon :)
Thank you for understanding Nathan. I think Canadian people say sorry for everything. There is a joke in Canada and it goes like this...
Q. How do you get a Canadian to apologize?
A. Step on their foot!
We say sorry all day hehe I guess it is a habit. We are very concerned with offending one another. When a lady bumped me at the mall I told her sorry. The other day I hit a lady with my shopping basket and she said sorry to me. It is a big sorry festival going on over here hehehehe too silly! Have you spent much time in Canada? It really is something special I think. But then again maybe all of this politeness just makes a person want to feel free and give someone the middle finger for the heck of it! haha
I am in a silly mood today lol
Talk soon dear Nathan <3