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RE: Could you please please please kindly spend 3 minutes of your valuable TIME to encourage and support others to grow with Dtube ?

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

I understand what you are trying to do here. Just want to say that writing 7 comments may only take 3 minutes out of the day, but you also have to watch the videos too lol. That is definitely going to increase the time it takes to write 7 relevant comments.

I will try to do this everyday but I hope people don't write comments just for the sake of writing comments; even if it sounds meaningful and "engaging". One thing that everyone should understand is that writing comments that are not genuine and/or full of "empty" words also make a platform look bad.

If you don't have much to say about a video after watching it, maybe "nice video" is all you need to say. It's not engaging or constructive, but it is better than being fake by unnaturally trying to engage with others.


"I will try to do this everyday but I hope people don't write comments just for the sake of writing comments"
No, they really don't. That would not make sense. They mostly do it for attention/visibility and money.

"One thing that everyone should understand is that writing comments that are not genuine and/or full of "empty" words also make a platform look bad."
You are right. Steemit is a perfect example for this. Just see the "nice post" and other spam and spam-like comments under many posts.

"If you don't have much to say about a video after watching it, maybe "nice video" is all you need to say."
No, you don't. You really don't. That is the same as the above mentioned meaningless "nice post" comment.
If you don't have anything nice, funny, constructive, positive to say, then don't say anything.
If you like the video/post/comment, but you can't/unable to or don't want to express your opinion with words, then just upvote the video/post/comment.

"It's not engaging or constructive, but it is better than being fake by unnaturally trying to engage with others."
No, it is not better. Saying "nice video" or "nice post" is actually being fake by unnaturally trying to engage with others.
Or to be more precise, faking/pretending engaging with others.

Thanks for a valuable feedback.

You’ve good skill to put your point of view in nice summary.

I’ll try my best to say my opinion.

  1. Dtube is a small ecosystem right now
  2. I personally know most of the people whose commenting and I developed a relationship with my fellow Dtubers
  3. As much as appropriate valuable comments and I appreciate a comment like “nice video” given that I know this person

Dtube is like family and we wanted to build that way and we’re creating foundation to create our own culture.

Lol I hadn’t even thought of that 😂 I watch a lot whilst I’m at work or on the bus though so it’s all good 😜

I don’t give any description of my videos now to make it harder for people to comment without watching

Posted using Partiko iOS

If you consider content creation as business then you’ll focus on trying to deliver great value in short period of time without customer not having to go through your entire content.

Just think why Twitter is successful and also remember that we live in 2018 where people don’t have much time

I don’t think content creation should be treated as a business, you can have a business creating content but if when you create it you look at it thinking only of financial gain it becomes devoid of feelings and ruins your content. Hollywood is run as a business but yet they put so much effort into cinematography and building an entire world for the viewer.

Posted using Partiko iOS


From the internet..
For years, I have challenged my students to identify something, anything that isn't a business. If I can't prove them wrong, then I will, out of my very limited, personal funds, buy lunch/dinner for everyone in their class.

To clarify, I identify "is" as "could have been a business in the past, is currently a business, or could be a business in the future." "Business" is defined simply as "an exchange of value" - it doesn't have to be money, although that is the typical form of value exchange in business.

Thus far, I've never had to buy anyone any food. I am increasingly confident in my assertion. Because, at the end of the day, EVERYONE -- regardless of what their major, aspirations, wealth, talents, or potential -- needs to understand business.

Source (

To exchange values you need minimum two parties.

Airbnb has Host and Guest.
Uber is a technology platform. Our smartphone apps connect driver-partners and riders.
Ebay is similar.

With Dtube we need not just content creators but also content contributors and we need to focus on implementing our new innovations and continue to add new features that make these two kind of people connect easily.

First step is to having quality and passionate people with Dtube and I'm focused on bringing quality people to our ecosystem.

When Airbnb started out they focused on building strong travel community not bringing high quality listing first. With their review system they provided unique travel experiences.

If you really want to understand where I'm going with this then you need to study AirBnb business model.

Have a wonderful week :)

Oh right got ya, I thought your meaning was to sacrifice quality in searching for something that will sell more of it. I see so many people making videos where they talk about improving their editing or videos in general, yet nothing has changed.

If it’s an exchange of value then I’m all for it. My meaning was if people just focus on getting more followers or money then the quality of the content never gets any better and people will always just put out awfully shot videos & never improve. That’s why YouTube & Instagram are huge because they have creators that are passionate about making top quality content.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I appreciate your valuable comment bro!

I completely understand where you're coming from. My focus is to increase the number of contributors to DTube and as with time most people will play different role within DTubeFoundation.

Please wait for my next few initiatives where I'm planning to make sure that as a community we support each other to create valuable content that's on demand.

Looking forward to seeing these initiatives my friend 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your valuable feedback brother!!

I’m asking everyone to make 7 comments and only minimum 3 comments have to be meaningful.

We do not need to consume the full contents in order to comment unless if we find value in watching it. Also as a content creator everyone most consider other people’s time and try to best describe video contents summary in the text format.

So I do think it’s possible to leave 7 comments in 3 minutes.

When we leave comments, we learn , we teach , we improve and most importantly we build a long lasting relationship with another human being.

All the Fake people are leaving Steem because of the price and true believers are here and my mission to create a culture that set some minimum standards for everyone who involved with Dtube.

Always appreciate you constructive feedback and I’m learning lot from you.

Thanks for the clarification! I feel bad when I don’t watch all of someone’s content before I comment and so often I’m not able to watch and comment. so that helps :)

You're most welcome darling!!

Always appreciate your contribution to our DTubeFamily777!