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RE: Could you please please please kindly spend 3 minutes of your valuable TIME to encourage and support others to grow with Dtube ?

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

Firstly, thank you to you for valuing our time and only set it to 3 minutes

But I am quite slow so I will need more than 3 minutes but I am fine as have committed to it since beginnjng before I joined Dtube. Now need another more minutes to engage with Dtubers, and it will be a rewarding journey. I wish to be able to engage with 10 minimum or 20 maximum so I have a target to set unless it is a family day that day. Lol... Then I will be engaging alot with my children.

So, hearing from you - leaving 7 comments - it helps alot to realise it is something feasible for most of us.

We shall see everyone grow together if we all do this.



Thanks for taking your time to leave a valuable comment!!

Let's not focus on the number and let's not limit our comments only to our close friends.

Let's do this and Let's grow together :)


Let's! 😎😁