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RE: Could you please please please kindly spend 3 minutes of your valuable TIME to encourage and support others to grow with Dtube ?

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

I learnt a wonderful moral value from here. To rise by lifting others and I think it says all by itself.

Thanks for the wonderful content and direction. Good vibes your way!

Posted using Partiko Android


I can’t remember where I heard/read this story
So a man dies and gets a tour of heaven and hell
In hell, everybody’s sitting around this big cauldron of soup holding this spoon with a vey long handle
They were trying to drink the soup but the handle was too long and the soup kept spilling
That’s all they did, day in day out but they failed miserably
They were starving and it was torture to have the soup right in front of them and yet unable to drink it

He then went to heaven
In heaven, everybody’s sitting around this big cauldron of soup too, and also holding the spoons with long handles
But in heaven, they were well fed, happy and laughing
Because they used the spoons to feed each other

And your mission, reminds me of this ....

Posted using Partiko iOS