Creative Therapy : Healing by Creation

in #dtubedaily7 years ago (edited)


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Creative therapy is something that has effect my life in a major way. I was in a dark place,angry and on a donward spiral for many years. Creation and being creative dug me out of a dark place, allowed me to vent emotions that got stuck inside for years. Liberating me from my former self.


I tend to get stressed if I'm not creating something and I feel many other people are this way too. Creative minds have been over looked for a good portion of humanity. Dtube and Steemit is one of the first places to give to creative minds a good home. This put lots of creative minds in bad places before the blockchain.

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You need to thank Steemit for creating this revolutionary platform and technology. Allowing creative minds to have a place to grow, network and build projects of the future.


I made videos everyday for free, the fact Dtube and Steemit has a reward system lit a huge fire under my ass and kicking my drive into overdrive. I really need to thank the blockchain for that push in my content.

Do you feel the same way ? Is creation and art therapy ? I'd like to know your opinion and experience.

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I need to thank anyone who has supported my work in the past, present or future. It means the world to my content and music.

Till next time, stay creative

  • Todd



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▶️ DTube



Have to agree with this a lot. One of my passions has always been writing, not blogs but rather fictional stories. I also recently got myself into animation, which isn't always the easiest thing to do, and I have a long way ahead of me before getting into any big projects. However even just finishing simple things brings me joy and relief.

Writing does pretty much the same for me. Getting a chapter done, or just realizing a new idea and seeing what I can do with it feels satisfying. Even if it may not lead to anything you can still gather some experience from that.

Though not being sure what to do on here myself, it is amazing to see all these creators speaking their mind, giving advice or just sharing their thoughts and creations is motivating a lot.

Amazing comment. I’m sure you’ll find your niche here . Just takes a little time and work. 🙃

Man I totally agree, Steemit has re-ignited my passion for art. It's amazing to be able to connect with people and earn income from a social media platform.I've noticed I put a lot more effort into writing about my art because I don't think to myself "Why bother algorithms are gonna bury it anyway". I'm super grateful for Steemit, hope to be part of it for years to come.

I agree 100% my friend. Those algorithms of major sites can really bring down a creators drive. I'm glad you found this amazing platform early !

One thing those shitty algorithms did do was force me to branch out, and now I have a tent and do local events, and I have my own showroom so, there were SOME good sides to that whole algorithm screwing content creators thing lol But those events are not every week and there's a lot of packing and set up and take down time etc... So far Steemit's been great for me and is slowly filling in the blanks :) For sure I feel WAY more positive since I found it!

I agree. I think there is definitely something therapeutic about expressing that creative energy in a variety of ways. It's a great outlet for that energy.

I figured you’d feel the same way. 🤘

You're so right. We have to thank steemit and blockchain. Thanks to the technology of this revolution, we can develop creative thinking. And the thing I like best about this technology is, give birth to creative thinking like you. which motivates others to create creative thinking. I really really like your post.

Thanks, Tod. You managed to put in words and explain something that was going on inside me that I could not understand. Now I see that and to think of it this way is really comforting, helping and motivates me.

Glad you enjoyed the content ! Thanks a ton for taking the time to check it out my friend 🙃


Hell yea ! 💪

Thump up man :)

💪 Thank you

Really creative mind can take you off from the dark, it's the creativity which has lead men this far, go on with your creative beats, wating for new to come

Thank you for the support my friend. 👍

Oh ya! My life has changed a lot synth I started focusing on music again. I had to give up a lot to get here. But the spiritual benefits completely outweigh the losses. I agree with you, that a healthy artistic community can benefit a lot of people. Steemit seems to be a blessing. Let's keep it alive!

Yea buddy ! You’ve come to the right place my friend

Wow !!!!
Nice creativity .....
A creativity always motivated and inspired us....
Thanks for sharing this Dtube video...

Glad you enjoyed the content, it's a subject I wanted to share. =)

the title pulled me in, absolutely for sure. creativity has pulled me from some dodgy places.

Awesome ! Glad you can relate to the story =)

Solid writeup ..
I really appreciate it..

Glad you enjoyed the content. Thanks a ton for taking the time to check it out.