Late to the party?

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

We’ve all been late for something in our lives, we all know how it feels to rush, panic and still try and make up the lost time instead of being late.

But why don’t we just accept it and simply, be late.

You can’t always help when time is lost and you arrive somewhere late, but you can limit the amount of stress and worry that comes with it.

It’s safer, more productive and far less frantic when you just pace yourself and get there when you get there.

Especially in content creation, you can’t ever be late to the game here because the game is still being played. You may not have arrived as early as some others, but you’re still here and that has to count for something right?

Pace yourself and take the stress out of trying to keep up, you’ll create at a much more positive and productive level.

You won’t get a detention for taking your time to produce something.

See ya tomorrow!

▶️ DTube

One thing to keep in mind though: Trains come and go. If you are late and the train has left, wait a moment and take the next one.

I like that, and absolutely agree!

Great reminder, thanks. I often find myself saying, "why didn't I discover this a year ago" but I choose to trust my timing is right for me. Better late than never, right? ;)

Exactly! I mean, it’s always nice when you’re right on time to start, but either way, at least you started! Thanks for checking it out!

Showing up is half the battle. People talk about perfect timing, but I think everything is perfect in its moment. That moment is really determined by you :)

Yeah! this is a lot of fun.Nice post and informative.
Thanks for sharing nice post.
Keep it up and entertain us.

I aspire to be you

That is my senior, will DM you on discord.

Good thinking there! I need to start reminding myself about this fact. I'm the one who can magically make minutes longer if I need to because of being late..which, as you mentioned, can in worst case end up in accidents or just stupid mistakes as a result of rushing things. Thanks for the need lesson man! :D